Dr. Sungwoong Jeon
He researched the control of printing machines, measurement of process parameters and the improvement of printability in the printing process for printed electronics.
Ph.D in Robotics Engineering, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)
M.S in Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam University ( 2016)
B.S in Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam University (2014)
Skills and Expertise
Micro-Electrical- Mechanical Systems
Printed Electronics
Magnetic Field
Selected publications
Jeon, Sungwoong & Park, Sun & Kim, Eunhee & Kim, Jin‐young & Kim, Sung & Choi, Hongsoo. (2021). A Magnetically Powered Stem Cell‐Based Microrobot for Minimally Invasive Stem Cell Delivery via the Intranasal Pathway in a Mouse Brain (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 19/2021). Advanced Healthcare Materials. 10. 10.1002/adhm.202170089.
Jeon, Sungwoong & Park, Sun & Kim, Eunhee & Kim, Jin‐young & Kim, Sung & Choi, Hongsoo. (2021). A Magnetically Powered Stem Cell‐Based Microrobot for Minimally Invasive Stem Cell Delivery via the Intranasal Pathway in a Mouse Brain. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 10. 10.1002/adhm.202100801.
Kim, Eunhee & Jeon, Sungwoong & An, Hyun-Kyu & Kianpour, Mehrnoosh & Yu, Seong-Woon & Kim, Jin-Young & Rah, Jong & Choi, Hongsoo. (2020). A magnetically actuated microrobot for targeted neural cell delivery and selective connection of neural networks. Science advances. 6. 10.1126/sciadv.abb5696.
Jeon, Sungwoong & Park, Sun & Kim, Sung & Kim, Jin-young & Choi, Hongsoo. (2020). Development of Magnetically Driven Microrobots for Targeted Cell Delivery, and Their Characterization in in Vitro, Ex Vivo and in Vivo Environments. 2-5. 10.1109/MEMS46641.2020.9056365.
Jeon, Sungwoong & Kim, Sangwon & Ha, Shinwon & Lee, Seungmin & Kim, Eunhee & Kim, So & Park, Sun & Jeon, Jung & Kim, Sung & Moon, Cheil & Nelson, Brad & Kim, Jin-young & Yu, Seong-Woon & Choi, Hongsoo. (2019). Magnetically actuated microrobots as a platform for stem cell transplantation. Science Robotics. 4. eaav4317. 10.1126/scirobotics.aav4317.
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