Dr Youngha Cho
I am a senior lecturer in the School of the Built Environment. Prior to this I was a post-doctoral researcher at the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, University of Cambridge (2001-2004) and a researcher at the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement (1986-1994). I hold a BSc in Management Studies and MBA from the Univeristy of Ewha, Seoul, Korea and gained my PhD from London School of Economics and Political Science in 2000.
My research interests lie in the following fields: housing and land policy, macro and micro analysis of housing market, housing finance and mortgage market, housing need and affordability, social and affordable housing policy and residential mobility.
I have published a number of research papers in leading academic journals such as Journal of Housing Economics, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Applied Economics, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, and Construction Management and Economics.

Main institution
United Kingdom
Senior Lecturer
School of the Built Environment
Academic discipline: