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25 May 2016
A new glue that forms a strong bond when activated by low voltage electricity may be the first of its kind.
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23 May 2016
Brightly fluorescent nanocrystals, called quantum dots, can be used to test the delivery of drugs packaged into nanocapsules.
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18 May 2016
Replacing a common drying method boosts the performance of perovskite photovoltaics.
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18 May 2016
The complexity and security of a widely-used cryptography scheme are proven much lower than previously thought.
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18 May 2016
Adding genes to bacteria offers sustainable routes to make compounds currently obtained from petrochemicals.
12 May 2016
A*STAR Collaborative Commerce Marketplace launched to encourage growth of precision engineering R&D and business eco-system.
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12 May 2016
IBM Research and Singapore’s Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Announce New Macromolecule with Triple-Play Action to Help Fight Virus Infection and Drug Resistance.
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06 May 2016
Mass-produced microvalves are the key to scalable production of disposable, plug-and-play microfluidic devices.
06 May 2016
To bring sustainability to the supply chain, companies may first need to rethink their existing business models, according to speakers at the 2016 Logistics & Supply Chain Symposium.
Professor Toru Yoshikawa
05 May 2016
Well-structured corporate governance frameworks are necessary to ensure that companies adhere to ethics and best practices, says a researcher from Singapore Management University.
Associate Professor Gary Chan
05 May 2016
A researcher from Singapore Management University examines how legal practice has changed in response to the internet and technology.
Associate Professor Jochen Reb
05 May 2016
Mindfulness could benefit individuals and organisations and transform the way we live and work, according to a researcher from Singapore Management University.
Assistant Professor Jiang Lingxiao
05 May 2016
A researcher from Singapore Management University is on a mission to improve software coding by developing tools to support high quality, error-free code.
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20 Apr 2016
A sensor node processor for networked sensor applications achieves ultra-low power consumption by using ultra-low voltage operation, hardware acceleration and cognitive sensing techniques.
20 Apr 2016
Helping computers learn to tackle big-data problems outside their comfort zones.
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20 Apr 2016
Silicon-based films that are useful for waveguides have been made at temperatures low enough to be compatible with standard manufacturing processes.
20 Apr 2016
A frictionless drive system achieves stable nanometer positioning precision over an unprecedented distance
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15 Apr 2016
Findings provide deeper understanding of the disease which affects mainly ageing Asians, and open up new possibilities for the delivery of precision medicine.
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11 Apr 2016
A new method could allow physicians to diagnose fetal genetic abnormalities during pregnancy without the risks involved in current techniques.
11 Apr 2016
Academic and industry speakers at the 2016 Conference on Next Generation Retail Operations discussed innovative solutions that may help brick-and-mortar store retailers fend off stiff competition from e-commerce companies.
11 Apr 2016
A researcher from Singapore Management University examines how Thailand’s bureaucratic policies and organisations affect the development of its economy.
11 Apr 2016
How much raw material should you purchase given the uncertainty in demand and procurement cost? Researchers from Singapore Management University are able to distil your business environment into an analytical model to answer these questions.
Assistant Professor Choi Hyun-Soo
08 Apr 2016
New research from Singapore Management University is uncovering the drivers behind household financial decision-making and the implications for the wider economy.
Associate Professor Rajesh Balan
08 Apr 2016
Can smartphones improve our quality of life and make cities run more efficiently? A researcher from Singapore Management University is working towards this vision.
06 Apr 2016
Roll-to-roll printing a conductive metal ink offers an inexpensive, high performance alternative to today’s touchscreen technology.
06 Apr 2016
A more accurate method of modeling heat generation and transfer in electromagnetic machines could lead to more efficient electric motors.
06 Apr 2016
Novel photonic structures can act as tiny and highly accurate sensors of temperature and humidity.
01 Apr 2016
Centre to focus on Healthy Ageing and nutritional interventions which support older populations both regionally and globally.
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31 Mar 2016
A new system allows construction companies monitor earth control measures in a manpower efficient manner.
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25 Mar 2016
Researchers in Singapore are using “nanoantennae” to manipulate light beams. This may open the door to the development of new light-based technologies.


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Giants in history

Singaporean physician Oon Chiew Seng (1916 – 31 March 2022) advanced dementia care and research in Singapore, and co-founded the Apex Harmony Lodge, the nation’s first nursing home for residents with dementia.
Maggie Lim (5 January 1913 – November 1995) was a Singaporean physician who promoted family planning and expanded the access to clinics to improve the quality of life for mothers and children in Singapore’s early days.
Gloria Lim (1930-2022) was a mycologist from Singapore who studied tropical fungi. One of the first students to attend University of Malaya when it was founded in 1949, she went on to become the first female Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Singapore.