Giants in History: Oon Chiew Seng

Improving the lives of people with dementia  

Oon Chiew Seng ( 1916 - 31 March 2022)


Singaporean physician Oon Chiew Seng (1916 – 31 March 2022) advanced dementia care and research in Singapore, and co-founded the Apex Harmony Lodge, the nation’s first nursing home for residents with dementia. Her efforts to raise awareness about the condition and to support caregivers of dementia patients inspired funding for research on women's health, anti-aging science and dementia. Dr Oon, who also made history as Singapore’s first gynaecologist in private practice, led a life dedicated to public service and was committed to serving vulnerable communities, volunteering at a seniors’ home  even after retirement. Among the accolades Dr Oon received for her clinical and humanitarian work were the Public Service Medal, the Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Public Service Star. She also received the President's Special Recognition Award for Volunteerism and Philanthropy in 2013, and was inducted into the Singapore Women's Hall of Fame in 2014.

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