KUALA LUMPUR. 16 – 17 May 2017:-
The public sector, be it federal, national, defence, state or local organisations around the world, are key initiators in the modernisation and transformation of business frameworks and service delivery. With the rapid technological advancement, implementing technology is crucial for the public sector to stay ahead in the fastmoving market to ensure optimal satisfaction from its citizens.
In embracing the possibilities of big data and recognising the potential value to be gained in analysing large quantities of diverse data as an integral mechanism for countries to be efficient and effective, governments would be able to reduce the cost that is associated with bureaucracy, improve productivity, and deliver more competent services to its citizens. That being said, it can be challenging to manage and capitalise on big data to enhance the ICT infrastructure for the nation to build a technologically oriented workforce and digitally savvy consumer and business markets.
BIGIT GOV 2017 aims to tackle this challenge by offering government professionals valuable insights and showcase solutions in embracing digital services to transform the lives of citizens and the nation through the exchange of technical knowledge and experience, grow new business opportunities, and foster innovation and collaboration.
Featuring a two-day conference and table exhibition, BIGIT GOV 2017 brings more than 20 prominent speakers to share their insights, case studies and expert presentations on the use of digital technology to improve the way businesses are developed and to prepare the nation to be part of the new revolution of digital transformation. Participate in panel discussions on trending topics on Digital Transformation, Smart Nation, Big Data analytics, Open data, Data Security and Fintech.
Some of our notable speakers include:
* Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Abdul Wahab - Chief Executive Officer, CyberSecurity Malaysia
* Dato' CM Vignaesvaran Jeyandran (D.I.M.P.) - Chief Executive, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)
* Dr. Fadhlullah Suhaimi Abdul Malek - Director, NKRA (Rural Development) and NKEA (CCI and Agriculture), PEMANDU
With an expected 100 delegates from the ICT community and experts in the field participating in the event, this serves as a great platform for exposure, building recognition with direct market and business networking opportunities.
Take this opportunity to:
• Learn how you can transform the way your agency works from analog to digital to enable government digital services to be constantly accessible to citizens.
• Anticipating potential challenges and opportunities of maximising technology in your daily operations.
• Gain valuable insights from local and international government leaders to grow your capabilities in becoming a tech-savvy government.
• Network with public sector counterparts to foster innovation and business excellence to be the epitome of today’s digital icon.
• Defining the rule of thumb of a Smart Government to create a tech-savvy environment for efficiency and effectiveness and meet new expectations.
BIGIT GOV 2017 is proudly sponsored by Strateq (Platinum Sponsor) and includes exhibitors such as Erwin. For those who are interested to be part of this event can contact us at +603 2261 4226 or email to [email protected]. Registrations for the event will end by 15 May 2017.
About BIGIT:
The foundations of BIGIT was laid in 2015 in Malaysia by the young company BIGIT. Creating extraordinary conferences is our specialty and we strive to strengthen the company by providing a platform to make ideas happen along with our fundamental principle to constantly stay relevant in thinking two steps ahead into the future which then led us to acknowledge the rapid growth in the field of IT and technology. Hence BIGIT was created as the technology arm of BIGIT specifically catered to all events pertaining to IT and technology offerings and innovations to help ease transition into the future.
We deliver cutting edge, technology focused conferences with top notch speakers and comprehensive presentations with real time case studies on popular topics such as big data and its applications, cybersecurity, open data, cloud computing and internet of things. From selecting the perfect venue to bring together buyers and sellers from across the globe, our exhibition serves to provide an ideal platform which deals specifically with IT and technology and its relevant counterparts.