20 August 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Antibiotic biosynthesis: From genes to enzymes
Key components involved in the biosynthesis of azinomycin B have been identified
Molecular self-assembly: Sort it out!
Mimicking nature can produce polymers by simply mixing two different monomers together in solution
Hepatitis B: Vaccination in full force
A composite vaccine containing yeast-derived hepatitis B surface antigens and antibodies shows promise as a treatment for chronic hepatitis B
Recycling: From computers to park benches
Researchers in Shanghai have developed a process that uses recycled circuit boards to create high-strength materials
Hybrid rice: Reproductive barrier
Researchers in China have identified a genetic locus that is important for regulating hybrid sterility
Optical sensors: Small but versatile
Single polymer nanowire sensors are fast and adaptable