10 September 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Cancer biology: Targeted inhibition
Tumours can be inhibited by targeting the signalling pathways necessary for the survival and growth of cancer stem-cell-like cells
Face transplantation: Another case of success
Surgeons in China have successfully performed face transplantation on a severely disfigured man
Methane emission: Plants do it too
A three-year field study on the Tibetan plateau shows that plant species differ in their ability to emit or consume methane
Electrodeposition: Iron tiling
Detailed iron nanostructures can be produced by applying electric fields to ionic liquids
Nanowires: Boosting batteries
Electrodes made from silicon nanowires can greatly improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries
Symbiotic stars: Chemical clues
New simulations are starting to explain the chemical composition of two-star systems