Immunology: Arrestin effects

In Nature China this week - Researchers in China have uncovered the signalling pathway responsible for damping down the antiviral effects of interferon-γ

Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.

Immunology: Arrestin effects
Researchers in China have uncovered the signalling pathway responsible for damping down the antiviral effects of interferon-γ

Neuron development: The making of polarity
Neuronal polarity is regulated by intracellular membrane trafficking

Fullerenes: Symmetry breakers
Researchers in Xiamen are close to making symmetry-breaking buckminsterfullerenes

Hybrid materials: Well spread
A chemical approach ensures nanoparticles are well dispersed in hybrid materials

Porous materials: Forced to order
High-temperature drying of composite solutions leads to ordered pores in polymer films

Animal behaviour: What makes fruit flies fight?
A small subset of neurons that drives fruit flies into aggression have been identified

Published: 24 Sep 2008

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