15 October 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Intestinal stem cells: In search of self-renewal
Researchers in Beijing have identified the gene controlling the self-renewal of intestinal stem cells
Fluorescent spectroscopy: Mercury exposed
New fluorescent sensors can be used to quantify the biological effects of mercury ions in living cells
Dinitrogen cleavage: Breaking up is hard
Researchers in Nanjing provide mechanistic insight into potential low-temperature, low-pressure ammonia production
Spintronics: Finding the better half
The range of potential materials for spin filters has expanded
Sonoluminescence: Baking bubbles
Researchers in Nanjing are learning to measure the extremely high temperatures produced in a collapsing bubble
A cyclic universe: Phantom fix for black holes
Black holes could exist in a cyclic universe by accreting 'phantom' dark energy