Seeking the Carl Sagan of the Muslim world

Muslim-Science.Com and partner organizations are hosting a global essay contest to identify gifted science communicators from within the Islamic world.

Since time immemorial, Muslims have played a progressive part in the field of science and innovation. There were over 20 Muslim scientists during the Golden Age in history. Scientists such as Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Farabi, Ibn-e-Sina, Al-Biruni, Umar-ibne-Khayam, Al-Ghazali, Ibne-Rushd and Ibne-Khuldum, to name a few, made tremendous contributions to medicine, astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry and other fields.

But what about the contemporary world? Why haven’t Muslims fared well in science in the modern world? What would it take to reinvigorate the curiosity and fascination of science today? What does the future of science in the Muslim world look like?

These questions must form an integral part of a conversation and debate within the Muslim world. This conversation must be inspired, sparked, and carried forward by people – scientists-innovators and those from the broader society – who have the knack and passion for communicating science in a cogent manner. This conversation must begin at home.

Muslim-Science.Com is an online journal and portal dedicated to the revival of science and innovation in the Islamic world. It hopes to do so, by providing its readers and stakeholders in the Islamic world — and those from the West — with a space for an informed, inspiring, and unbiased dialogue about science, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Muslim lands and by Muslims elsewhere, as well as important, but often overlooked, issues at the intersection of science, religion, politics, culture, and society.

Muslim-Science.Com’s Science Writer Award is the first global competition that seeks to encourage, inspire and engage the creative writers, science communicators, and story tellers amongst us to create a discourse about science and innovation in Muslim societies.

For contest details see: