Traditional Chinese medicine: Ancient formula in modern times

Modern biochemical analysis gives an insight into how major ingredients of an ancient Chinese remedy work in harmony to treat diseases

Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.

Cell aging: The pathway to eternal youth
The protein SIRT1 promotes cell growth and delays cell aging in human fibroblasts

Traditional Chinese medicine: Ancient formula in modern times
Modern biochemical analysis gives an insight into how major ingredients of an ancient Chinese remedy work in harmony to treat diseases

Plant development: Day and night
Scientists have discovered how DELLA proteins and gibberellins regulate the day-night cycle in plants

Leaf polarity: Upside down
Scientists in Shanghai have identified a set of proteins without which a leaf's upside will develop downside features

Rice genome: Sifting through the family history
Two evolutionary episodes that occurred about five and ten million years ago gave rise to the diversity of rice we see today

Metallic glasses: Flex space
Spaces between molecules can enhance the plasticity of bulk metallic glasses

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Published: 26 Mar 2008

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