Fusion dreams delayed

In an exclusive News story this week, Nature reporter Geoff Brumfiel describes how ITER, the multi-billion-euro international fusion reactor, is likely to be far less ambitious in its early stages than scientists had hoped.


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VOL.459 NO.7246 DATED 28 MAY 2009

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The full text of this news article can be found with the 28 May issue of Nature on the Nature press site

News: Fusion dreams delayed

In an exclusive News story this week, Nature reporter Geoff Brumfiel describes how ITER, the multi-billion-euro international fusion reactor, is likely to be far less ambitious in its early stages than scientists had hoped.

At a council meeting of ITER’s seven member governments next month, representatives will consider an option known as ‘Scenario 1’, which would entail building only a skeletal version of the reactor in order to remain on schedule. The move is necessary, project managers say, to allow ITER to meet its 2018 a start-up date. But, as Brumfiel reports, the little-known consequence of this change would be to delay the full-blown experiments meant to test atomic fusion as a power source until 2025 – five years later than member governments had agreed when ITER was set up.

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Published: 27 May 2009

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