Human Resources Conference
Hong Kong : This conference targets Human Resources professionals who need to hear, share and contribute to the latest thinking on the most current issues from around the region.
HR is centered on people, and all stakeholders in the business share responsibility for the success of its people. This conference hear from a leader in the industry on how all managers, together with HR, can work to maximize the effectiveness of, and benefits for, an organization’s employees.
One session is dedicated to exploring the drivers and the business case for making strategic workforce planning a core business process and provide insights into best practices, from a global and an Asia- Pacific perspective.
Another session will address the challenges of an aging workforce. Employers need to identify and respond to a range of demographic developments. At one end are mature economies with ageing and shrinking workforces, and at the other are fast
developing economies with young and expanding workforces. The conference see how China Light & Power developed a strategic plan to address the consequences of demographic developments in
Hong Kong.
Among the other topics are:
1. What Do Employees Value – How Can HR Assess and Respond
2. Principle Based Decision-Making
3. Building Flexible Talent Development Programs
4. Successfully Developing Talent –
Perspectives on Success
5. Corporate Culture and its Impact on Attraction & Retention
6. Innovation - How Can H.R. Add value to This Core Business Process
Contact details : (852) 2804 1026 [email protected]
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