Advanced Materials


20 Jun 2019
Innovfest Unbound Returns for Fifth Annual Innovation Festival
Neuron and Synapse-Mimetic Spintronics Devices Developed
17 Apr 2019
A research group from Tohoku University has developed spintronics devices which are promising for future energy-efficient and adoptive computing systems, as they behave like neurons and synapses in the human brain.
14 Nov 2018
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) reached strategic collaborative research framework agreements with China Resources Microelectronics Limited (CR Micro) and China Resources Life Science Industry Development Co., Ltd. (CR Life Science).
09 Oct 2018
Selected to be a part of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, Hokkaido University will launch the “Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (ICRD)” in October 2018.
Professor Hyun-Wook Lee
18 Sep 2018
A team of researchers, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has introduced a novel technology that promises to significantly boost the performance of lithium metal batteries.
He et al
17 Sep 2018
Nanoparticles with a shell structure improve the performance of zinc-oxide photodetectors.
29 Aug 2018
Multifunctional Materials, a journal serving an emerging field at the convergence of materials science, physics, chemistry, bioscience, and engineering, publishes its first issue this week.
Professor Rodney S. Ruoff's research group
15 Jul 2018
An international team of researchers, affiliated with UNIST has discovered that folding is an efficient strategy to incorporate large-area monolayer graphene films on polymer composites and that doing so improves mechanical reinforcement. Their work has been published in the prestigious journal, Advances Materials.
12 Apr 2018
Standalone power modules that harvest and convert vibrations from their surroundings into electricity could soon fuel future microsystems.
04 Apr 2018
A new ink containing iron-oxide nanoparticles can be turned into fully printed and versatile components for cellular networks.
12 Mar 2018
A research team in Korea has newly developed imaging system that can analyze the movement of sound generated from 2D structure with the thickness of an atomic unit. It is expected to be used in new material, solar cell, and catalyst development.
A new type of battery
28 Feb 2018
A technique of microwave synthesis of layered oxides enables high-capacity aqueous zinc-ion batteries.
Professor Jang-Ung Park's research team
21 Feb 2018
Researchers at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea, have succeeded in developing a new biosensing contact lens capable of detecting glucose levels in patients with diabetes.
18 Jan 2018
Novel video feature extractor uses 20 times less power than existing chips and could reduce the size of untethered vision systems down to the millimetre range
29 Dec 2017
An easy and reliable assembly approach, inspired by building blocks, challenges the current fabrication of electronic systems.
20 Nov 2017
Cone-shaped sugar structures can be connected together to form selectively porous nanofiltration membranes.
06 Nov 2017
A research team from Korea has improved the luminance of electroluminescent devices by 422% compared to the conventional ones by applying retro-reflection electrodes The result is expected to be applied in next generation display and signage lighting technology
Think laterally to sidestep production problems
17 Oct 2017
The side-by-side deposition of atomically flat semiconductor sheets enhances solar cell conversion efficiency.
19 Sep 2017
The Singapore based team have successfully created a solution to simplify the complicated process of removing large or complex kidney stones.
Dark materials squeeze green fuel from sunlight
28 Aug 2017
Metallic nanostructures that slow down light dramatically can triple the efficiency of solar-based hydrogen fuel generation.
Shape-shifters soak up sunshine
28 Aug 2017
Photosensitive perovskites change shape when exposed to light.
High resolution images were obtained, particularly in the Z axis direction, when brain slices were wrapped with a CYTOP® nanosheet (B, C), whereas the control sample yielded blurred images (A).
25 Aug 2017
A nanosheet made of organic polymers has been developed to prevent the drying and deforming of biological samples, thus enabling high-quality imaging under microscopes.
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23 Aug 2017
A new algorithm could help scientists decide the best atomic structures for the materials they design.
Hybrid carbon nanostructures 1
09 Jun 2017
A research team, led by South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has engineered a new type of carbon nanomaterials, capable of changing shapes and colors depending on the type of solvents used. Their findings appeared in the prestigious journal, Advanced Materials.
05 Jun 2017
When the X-rays blast electrons out of one atom, stripping it from the inside out, it steals more from its neighbors - a new insight that could help advance high-res imaging of whole viruses, bacteria and complex materials.
Inspiration from Steller's jay
08 May 2017
A Nagoya University-led research team mimics the rich color of bird plumage and demonstrates new ways to control how light interacts with materials.
Setting regenerable polymer traps
16 Apr 2017
Stable and recyclable materials synthesized using intrinsically porous polymers selectively retain CO2 from exhaust and natural gas.
Water from Waste
22 Jan 2017
A material made by combining a metal and a polymer can help generate hydrogen and fresh water from wastewater.
Solar Energy
10 Jan 2017
Reliable processing of an efficient solar cell material depends on how the solvent is removed.
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09 Jan 2017
A process developed by researchers in Saudi Arabia prints high-performance silicon-based computers on to soft, sticker-like surfaces that can be attached anywhere.