

09 Apr 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers published online on 9 April 2006 by Nature and the Nature Research Journals
29 Mar 2006
A research group in Japan have identified the protein that controls silicon uptake in rice - the first such transporter to be found in higher plants
29 Mar 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature VoL.440 No.7084 Dated 30 March 2006 including Chemical physics:Crystallography without crystals; Physics: Ratcheting backwards; Evolution: Uprooting eukaryotic evolution and Let's not twist again
08 Mar 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature Vol.440 No.7081 Dated 9 March 2006 including "It's all in the expression; Frogs sidestep predation by looking nasty - but not too nasty"
08 Feb 2006
Snow makes forests better carbon sponges; Sympatric speciation finally seen in action; Rusty revelations; A narrow shave for silicon; Hyperactive sperm undressed; Gamma glow in Milky Way's heart reveals cosmic ray battering;
05 Feb 2006
THE NATURE RESEARCH JOURNALS PRESS RELEASE - For papers that will be published online on 5 February 2006
26 Jan 2006
WCS has just released “State of the Wild” a 300-plus-page compendium of wildlife facts, figures and issues affecting the survival of wild species worldwide.
26 Jan 2006
An ergonomically designed mechanical device that can help to increase the rate of union in the healing of open fractures of the tibia has been developed at Unimas. The device is presently being tested in local hospitals.
18 Dec 2005
Using a new technique, geneticists have reached into the past to reconstruct the genetic sequence of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius).
11 Dec 2005
NATURE AND THE NATURE RESEARCH JOURNALS PRESS RELEASE For papers that are published online on 11 December 2005
07 Dec 2005
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature. VOL.438 NO.7069 including GbpA protein enables cholera to hijack gut and gutter; Greyhounds take bends better than humans
30 Nov 2005
This study has found that oleic acid, commonly found in palm oil and olive oil may have a positive effect in combating osteoporosis by enhancing bone formation.
23 Oct 2005
Commercial haemosthetic agents available in the market are expensive and most of them are produced from animal gelatine and therefore not acceptable for some segments of the community
23 Oct 2005
The September issue of The Keio Journal of Medicine is now online.
14 Oct 2005
USM bagged 8 gold medals, 6 silver medals and 2 bronze medals as well as 2 special jury awards namely the Special Award for ICT and the Special Award for Best Joint Venture.
11 Oct 2005
Palaeontologists digging on the remote Indonesian island of Flores have turned up more bones of Homo floresiensis - the tiny hominin species unveiled last October in Nature
02 Oct 2005
Nature Research Journals Press Release for papers published online on 2 October 2005
18 Sep 2005
28 Aug 2005
Merely taking calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K supplements may not be enough to prevent astronauts developing osteoporosis during or after space flight.
21 Aug 2005
NATURE AND THE NATURE RESEARCH JOURNALS - Press release for papers that will be published online on 21 August 2005
24 Jul 2005
Biology: A structure of antidepressants' binding sites; Botany: A twist on corn-on-the-cob; Fast diodes speed up organic electronics; Small doses go a long way; Interfering with HIV.