

03 Apr 2015
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus hosted an international forum on special education needs to bring together interested academics and practitioners in the field of special and inclusive education.
16 Mar 2015
Academics from The University of Nottingham, Dr Ting Kang Nee, and Dr Yvonne Mbaki, will be trekking and climbing to the peak of Naya Kanga mountain (5846m) in Kathmandu, Nepal this from 13-19 April, to raise funds to support pre-school education for children from the Penan community in Sarawak.
16 Mar 2015
An opinion article by Professor Masayasu Kitagawa of Waseda University, Japan
12 Mar 2015
An opinion article by Professor Akihiro Nonaka of Waseda University, Japan
26 Feb 2015
Seeds-based jewellery is a new embedded invention process which is an eco-friendly jewellery product that reflects the use of organic elements in jewellery design.
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25 Feb 2015
Brought to life by Researchers at Waseda University in Japan, the “Pinoko” robot will debut in the Human Art Theater’s rendition of “Black Jack.”
23 Feb 2015
An opinion piece by Professor Masakatsu Tamura of Waseda University, Japan
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19 Feb 2015
An opinion piece by Professor Gaye Rowley at Waseda University, Japan
Woman graduation
17 Feb 2015
Two studies published in the latest issue of the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities addressed women’s empowerment through education and political engagement.
13 Feb 2015
Assimilating traditional musical instruments into contemporary musical composition.
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09 Feb 2015
An opinion article by Professor Hiroyuki Torigoe of Waseda University, Japan
depressed girl
12 Jan 2015
Mental illness – particularly depression – is a rising problem with Malaysia’s youth. Two recent studies published in the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities shed light on the relationship between poor family dynamics and the development of mental illness.
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04 Dec 2014
- The small non-migratory humpback whale population is genetically distinct, scientists find - Researchers recommend “Critically Endangered” status for isolated whales
03 Dec 2014
Waseda University was the top institution in ten research fields, centered in the humanities and social sciences over the past five years.
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01 Dec 2014
Faculty members of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design's Environment and Interior Design discipline are exhibiting their project at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.
28 Nov 2014
Laurent Gutierrez and Valérie Portefaix, faculty members of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) School of Design (SD)’s Environment and Interior Design discipline, are exhibiting their project ‘Hong Kong Is Land’ at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)’s Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities.
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20 Nov 2014
The University of Malaya (UM) is pleased to announce that its international palaeontology team has now confirmed the presence of another important dinosaur fossil in Pahang, Malaysia.
20 Nov 2014
An opinion article by Professor Kimiko Murakami of Waseda University, Japan
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20 Nov 2014
RSPO and UPM to instill sustainable agenda amongst tertiary youth in Malaysia
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11 Nov 2014
An opinion piece by Professor Hiroyuki Sasahara of Waseda University, Japan
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04 Nov 2014
- “Swatch of No Ground Marine Protected Area” is Bangladesh’s first MPA - New marine protected area announced as run-up to World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia (Nov. 12-19)
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28 Oct 2014
An opinion article by Professor Takashi Ariga of Waseda University
13 Oct 2014
The Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (J.C.DISI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) organizes “10 Day” Social Innovation Festival (“10 Day Fest”) on campus. From 10 to 19 October, it features more than 70 interesting activities for the public, local and overseas civic leaders, academics and innovators.
02 Oct 2014
Canada’s International Development Research Centre and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) have announced $10 million in total to four Canadian and developing-country research teams.
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30 Sep 2014
An opinion piece by Professor Shin Matsuzono of Waseda University on the Scottish independence referendum that took place on 18 September 2014.
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24 Sep 2014
Opinion article by Assistant Professor Takeshi Hiroshige of Waseda University on issues surrounding the seawall construction plans proposed by the Japanese government.
02 Sep 2014
In Hong Kong, over 3,600 tons of food is discarded every day, amounting to one-third of the city’s solid waste. Half of the unwanted food is in fact edible, a testimony to the seriousness of the issue of food waste.
17 Jul 2014
Calling researchers worldwide to visit to read the details of an open competition for research studies on the Impact of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Kurt Ho with his design themed Fallen
30 Jun 2014
Twenty-four graduating students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) displayed their design flair and talent at the 2014 PolyU Fashion Show on 25 June at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.


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Giants in history

Through her iconic stories featuring fictional scenes from the history of the Philippines, language teacher and academic Genoveva Matute (3 January 1915 – 21 March 2009) helped strengthen the Filipino identity.
Hwang Hye-seong (5 July 1920 – 14 December 2006) was an expert on Korean royal court cuisine, the knowledge of which she dedicated her career to keeping alive. Formerly an assistant professor of nutritional science, Hwang met the last kitchen court lady in the Joseon Dynasty Han Hui-sun and, from her, learned about the culinary traditions of the royal court.