
31 May 2011
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has forged collaborative ties with The Good Governance and Gender Equality Society (3G’S), a non-government association to explore further opportunities to develop research and project related to gender equity.
31 May 2011
Bukit Bunuh Archaeology Complex has been declared a new Quaternary Stratigraphic Unit thereby making it the only suevite stone site from the Quaternary Age (around 2 million years ago until now) discovered in Asia.
31 May 2011
The Sustainable Tropical Environment Design Exhibition (STEdex10) brought by the Faculty of Design and Architecture Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) is the best medium to showcase the masterpiece of UPM students and lecturers to a more professional height.
27 May 2011
The creative flair and design talent of the graduating students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)'s Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) have won big rounds of applause from the industry at their Knitwear Fashion Show held today (24 May) at The Mira Hong Kong.

25 May 2011
Masayuki Ishii compares Japanese and Western approaches to aspects of life. Taking in both sports and the arts, he reflects on how different approaches can be equally advantageous in academia.

17 May 2011
Ikuko Toyonaga, Waseda University, writes on the events in Egypt that heralded the beginning of the 'Arab Spring'.
17 May 2011
To survive the period of change for the media in the future, Asahi should alter their attitude and release materials they have. To prevent Japan from becoming militarist or imperialist in times to come, Asahi has the responsibility for explaining to their readers to what extent they were committed in Tairikushinposha during the Pacific War.
10 May 2011
The whole picture of the damage is not clear yet, but coastal disaster professionals including myself were not able to specifically predict such a devastating disaster in Japan. Although I think there are many hardships in restoring the coastal areas, I believe that we are responsible for supporting restoration of the devastated areas.
18 Apr 2011
Professor Osamu Soda of Waseda University examines how best to proceed with reconstruction in the areas affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

14 Apr 2011
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) warmly congratulated its alumna Ms Vivienne Tam for being honoured by Sing Tao News Corporation as the 2010 Leader of the Year in the Commerce and Industry/Finance category.
05 Apr 2011
Through a system for organizing new strategic research at Waseda University, the “Center for Research on “Buddhism” as a Civilization of East Asia” has been established. The horizontal links between Asian researchers the Center allows has lead to an abundance of new research.
01 Apr 2011
Artists should think of ways to diversify and widen the reach of their art products so that they can benefit the ‘bottom billion.’
29 Mar 2011
Organized by the Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the Fourth International Symposium of Intimate Apparel was held today (29 March) on the PolyU campus to promote the exchange of the latest knowledge and development of intimate apparel among academics and industrialists.
25 Mar 2011
Masashi Mochizuki looks back at the life of Eizo Matsui, a star baseball player and student of Waseda University, in light of a soon to open exhibition on Matsui's life up until his death in WWII.
25 Mar 2011
With the support of Consulate-Generals and Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong as well as active participation of all faculty and school members, students and alumni, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has launched its first-ever International Weeks with a theme on "Appreciating and Embracing Global Diversity".
25 Mar 2011
Professor Hidenori Tomozoe of Waseda University examines the controversial topic of match-fixing in grand sumo, asking whether fixing can be reconciled to sumo's dual status as a sport and a form of entertainment.

25 Mar 2011
Machine translation from Iban to English and vice versa may soon be available if a research project at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) is successful.

25 Mar 2011
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak's (Unimas) Sarawak Language Technology (SaLT) Research Group is undertaking research and development in information and communication technology (ICT) to preserve and revitalise the state's indigenous languages.

25 Mar 2011
This workshop aims to revisit the ever-shifting spatialities and connections between political participation and social change in urban Asia and to explore re-imaginings of what ‘political action’, ‘public space’, ‘place-making’, and ‘social movements’ mean in our globally networked societies.

23 Mar 2011
Can global food production keep up with the growing human numbers and rising human aspirations? Or is the world slowly descending to a Malthusian catastrophe with food shortages, food riots and famines? As extreme weather and disaster events increase worldwide, these questions worry scientists, policy makers and national planners everywhere.

18 Mar 2011
KUCHING: To further equip the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts to a higher level, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Aizo Digitalworks at the university.

16 Mar 2011
It is hoped that the Hamzah Sendut Library (PHS) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) will be a unique repository and centre for dissemination of knowledge, second to none in Malaysia.
28 Feb 2011
In an attempt to identify the worldview of the Batek tribe, a team of researchers from the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA embarked on a comprehensive study to document the characteristics and elements found in Batek folklore.
24 Feb 2011
Five students from the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication (FBMK), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) had the opportunity of a lifetime when they were flown to Université de Franche-Comte to hone their French language skills.
23 Feb 2011
An exhibition titled “Saneatsu and Red Porcelain” will be held in March and April at the Shigenori Tomioka Collection Gallery which opened in May 2009. This is an exhibition which takes the shape of word-association game-like concept linking Saneatsu Mushakoji to Naoya Shiga to Wanli red porcelain to five-colored Ming Dynasty porcelain.

21 Feb 2011
By Hatsuko Kawana, Associate Professor, School of Human Sciences, Waseda University
It started with the news that on Christmas Day in 2010, ten school bags were delivered to a child guidance center in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, along with a card signed by Mr. Naoto Date, the hero of the cartoon “Tiger Mask.”
18 Feb 2011
The discovery of evidence in Bukit Bunuh has made it one of the most important Palaeolithic sites in the world because it has revealed a 4 km square Palaeolithic complex dating back more than 1.83 million years; 40,000; and 30,000 years.
14 Feb 2011
The exhibition project “Build a Square, Move a Square―A Half Century of Temporary Theatres in Japan―Exhibition”, which started on January 11, is a display looking back at the history of temporary theatres from the 1960s to the present day.
10 Feb 2011
To keep traditional songket weaving alive, Royal Terengganu Songket strives to empower artistically inclined rural young women.

08 Feb 2011
BOLOGNA – A former student of the Faculty of Design and Architecture (FRSB) Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Mohd Ramadan Shahabudin, 24, did the country proud when he won the Metal & Glass (student category) for the design of buildings based on metal and glass at the SAIE Selection 10 architectural competition held recently.
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Giants in history
Through her iconic stories featuring fictional scenes from the history of the Philippines, language teacher and academic Genoveva Matute (3 January 1915 – 21 March 2009) helped strengthen the Filipino identity.
Hwang Hye-seong (5 July 1920 – 14 December 2006) was an expert on Korean royal court cuisine, the knowledge of which she dedicated her career to keeping alive. Formerly an assistant professor of nutritional science, Hwang met the last kitchen court lady in the Joseon Dynasty Han Hui-sun and, from her, learned about the culinary traditions of the royal court.