

22 May 2023
From its origins as a wide sash worn as a part of ceremonial, military and everyday dress in the Indian subcontinent, to becoming a part of British military clothing that was thought to guard against cholera, the cummerbund has had a storied legacy. Read about how this humble accessory evolved over the years.
08 May 2023
In operation from 1863 to 2016, Bourne and Shepherd was one of the first commercial photography studios in India, known for architectural, landscape and topographical photographs, as well as portraits of Indian nobility, British officials and European travellers. While these images found traction as souvenirs, the studio’s photographs were also widely utilised in the scientific community for the topographical and sociological study of the Indian subcontinent.
23 Apr 2023
Born out of the changing society of nineteenth-century Calcutta, Kalighat painting was a popular medium among the patuas (painters) who worked in the vicinity of the Kalighat temple. Though these paintings were originally intended to be souvenirs for devotees visiting the temple and featured primarily Hindu imagery, they expanded over time to include other religious traditions as well as socio-political commentary.
Red junglefowl, the species from which the chicken was domesticated (Photo: Masaki Eda).
20 Apr 2023
Conclusive evidence of chicken breeding in the Yayoi period of Japan has been discovered from the Karako-Kagi site.
The Fabulous Creature Buraq, Deccan, probably Golconda, India, c. 1660-80,
09 Apr 2023
Often regarded as Prophet Muhammad's vehicle in Islamic mythology, the Buraq is a winged creature often depicted with a human head and the body of a horse. It has been depicted in visual art across the Islamic world and continues to be a motif used by artists in the region.
food, sustainability, eco-friendly, esters
23 Feb 2023
Scientists from Oil Crops Research Institute (OCRI) of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Anhui Agricultural University (Anhui, China), Newcastle University in Singapore, and Huizhou Comvikin Biotechnology Co., Ltd (Guangdong, China) have developed a green and efficient approach to synthesize highly liposoluble and antioxidant L-ascorbyl esters by immobilized lipases.
13 Feb 2023
Theyyam is a ritualistic performance in the Kolathunadu district of Kerala, India. It is believed to be a physical manifestation of the presence of deities either connected to the Hindu pantheon or derived from folk tales and stories of people who were later deified. Read on to know more about the history and development of Theyyam performances.
27 Dec 2022
Translation and interpretation are commonly perceived in the linguistic sense, changing one language into another language. They however can refer to much beyond as the processes of converting something into a different form. What does it mean by translation, in what senses, and to what extent is there a loss in translation?
19 Dec 2022
Often used by devotees as a meditation tool, Mandalas are symmetrical circular forms that typically comprise a central deity surrounded by motifs and symbols.
04 Dec 2022
Collecting Chinese porcelain as emblems of wealth and taste has a long and rich history. From the Balkans to Iraq and Iran through South Asia and East Africa, nobles and emperors of the 16 century collected Chinese ceramics to showcase them.
02 Dec 2022
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a “smart ranch” featuring connected cows, a way to see what a 1 600-year-old woman looked like, and a new bird-like dinosaur.
Hesitancy in helping
22 Nov 2022
An Osaka Metropolitan University study found that differences in culture affect when Japanese and American university students feel comfortable providing social support. The researchers found that Japanese university students were less likely than American students to offer assistance to a close friend or family member unless they had been explicitly asked for help, even when they knew that the person needed assistance. There were no differences in providing assistance between Japanese and American students when requests for help were explicitly stated.
14 Nov 2022
Organised by the Academy of Film (AF) at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), the Global University Film Awards (GUFA) 2022 held its magnificent award presentation ceremony in virtual mode on 11 November. The entry from France’s Le Fresnoy clinched the Gold Award.
11 Nov 2022
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a bioinspired tiny jumping robot, evidence of gender stereotypes in young children, and the first sighting of a new species of crab.
06 Nov 2022
Indian deities such as the goddess Saraswati were refashioned into syncretic, cross-cultural kami (deities), when Buddhist texts, teachings and philosophies were transmitted to Japan and took on local forms.
09 Oct 2022
Batik is a technique of creating patterns on cloth through wax-resist printing and dyeing and has historically been practised in several parts of the world, including India, China, Southeast Asia and Africa.
08 Sep 2022
Thangka is a devotional scroll-painting tradition, emerging from seventh-century Nepal, in which images of Buddhist deities are painted on scrolls to gain divine merit and to serve as visual aids for teaching and meditating.
28 Aug 2022
Commissioned between 1815-1820, the Fraser Album is considered a defining work of the Company School of painting depicting the people of India.
26 Aug 2022
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are dogs crying happy tears when their owner comes home, a new early warning system for solar flares, and burial practices that can tell us about ancient migration patterns.
Gandharan Sculpture
14 Aug 2022
A genre of sculpture developed in the northwest region of the ancient Indian subcontinent in the form of reliefs and freestanding work as expressions of the Buddhist faith.
31 Jul 2022
The history of extracting chay root dye — a natural red colourant — from the chay plant (Oldenlandia umbellata) dates back to at least the seventeenth century. Read on to know more about the relevance of the dye in the textile dyeing practices of southern India.
29 Jul 2022
Students of the Master of Arts in Curating and Art History (MACAH) at Lingnan University in Hong Kong has curated two exhibitions, to be held at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) at Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon from 13-21 August 2022. Titled Re · Count and Healing Self Healing respectively, the exhibitions feature works by 10 local and international artists in a variety of mediums such as ceramics, tattoo, and painting. The curatorial team hopes to create an introspective space for the audience to reflect upon their psyche amidst exhausting and often frustrating social lives.
10 Jun 2022
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are amino acids from space, a robot finger wrapped in human skin, and what makes dogs "man’s best friend".
13 May 2022
Division of Electronics & Information System Principal Researcher (and guest professor at Seoul National University) Jinhyo Joseph Yun’s team at DGIST conducted joint research with the Nanjing University of Science and Technology’s Professor Lei Ma’s team and the UK Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Professor Zheng Liu’s team on the delivery platform industry, which is becoming a new issue for the 21st century market economy. The teams published an international joint research paper in the ‘European Planning Studies,’ which will be out in May of 2022 in the UK.
10 Apr 2022
A team of materials researchers from India, Thailand, Malaysia, China and UK has successfully produced a fibre reinforced polymer composite material using natural fibres from the coconut stalk.
24 Mar 2022
Dr Leung Chi-hin, Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong, was invited by Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong (CMHK) to be a performing artist in the Out Of Out Heads (OOOH!) mini-festival to explore a new way for intensely intimate exchanges at close proximity in May 2020. The theme of the mini-festival was social distancing in response to the current pandemic situation.
25 Feb 2022
The tourism industry’s performance was hampered first by the Easter Sunday bomb explosions in 2019 and then the COVID-19 pandemic. Sri Lanka saw a decline in tourist arrivals from 1,913,702 in 2019 to 194,495 in 2021. It is estimated that revenue declined from USD 3600 million to USD 261 million during 2019-2021, reflecting a staggering 92.75% reduction due to a fall in arrivals.
08 Dec 2021
At the Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony today (9 December), Lingnan University (LU) in Hong Kong conferred honorary doctoral degrees upon four distinguished individuals in recognition of outstanding achievements in their respective professions and valuable contributions to the well-being of society. They were Mr Norman Chan Tak-lam(陳德霖), a prominent financial leader who received a Doctor of Business Administration, honoris causa; Ms Sylvia Chang Ai-chia (張艾嘉), an esteemed film director who received a Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa; Prof Deane E. Neubauer, a prolific political science scholar who received a Doctor of Social Sciences, honoris causa (in absentia); and Prof Zhong Nanshan(鍾南山), a world-renowned respiratory disease expert who received a Doctor of Science, honoris causa (in absentia).
29 Nov 2021
Lingnan University (LU) in Hong Kong will confer honorary doctoral degrees upon four distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their respective professions and valuable contributions to the well-being of society.


20 Dec 2012
The IBBC 2012 conference theme “Business and Economics Sustainability and Cooperation in Asia” reflects the vibrant business and economics condition enjoyed by the Asian region as a whole. Notwithstanding however, the financial crisis engulfing the western countries may negatively affect the business and economics growth of the region.
23 Feb 2012
The Department of Chinese Culture of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University will host an international conference at Room M1603, Li Ka Shing Tower, 23-25 February 2012. The conference is open to members of the public.
14 Sep 2012
Kuo Pao Kun (1939-2002) was one of the most important dramatists, arts activists and public intellectuals of contemporary Singapore. At the tenth year of his passing, this international conference is organised to reflect on his works and ideology.
07 Feb 2012
PolyU is organising i-week for the second year with a theme on “Global Citizens” between 6 and 11 February 2012.
21 Jan 2012
Ultraman, Hello Kitty, Nobita, Doraemon are examples of Japanese animated characters that are hugeley poplular with large numbers of people around the world. Now, the people of Penang can get one step closer to their favourite characters.
30 Mar 2011
The Vargas Museum presents the exhibition Echo Studies by Maria Taniguchi. It opens on 30 March 2011, 4pm at the Lobby and West Wing Gallery and ends on 28 May 2011.
06 Dec 2011
The much awaited environment and wildlife biennial international competitive film festival and forum, CMS VATAVARAN is back. Film entries are invited from Indian and International filmmakers for 2011 festival focusing on biodiversity conservation.
02 Mar 2011
An exhibition titled “Saneatsu and Red Porcelain” will be held in March and April at the Shigenori Tomioka Collection Gallery which opened in May 2009. This is an exhibition which takes the shape of word-association game-like concept linking Saneatsu Mushakoji to Naoya Shiga to Wanli red porcelain to five-colored Ming Dynasty porcelain.
14 Dec 2011
The workshop takes on a comparative country perspective, seeking to interrogate controversial events, ideologies and personalities that defined the contours of the past and the present in countries across Asia and seeks to mark out differences and commonalities, connections as well as disjunctures between them.
06 Jul 2011
ICACA 2011 will be the 3rd international conference organized by FACA, UNIMAS and sponsored by PETRONAS. This conference is unique in nature as it covers all areas in the arts, namely visual and performing arts, design technology and management of the arts.
19 Jul 2011
This 13th International Conference on Translation will be held in Shah Alam, Malaysia from 19-21 July 2011. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia has been chosen to be the host
22 Feb 2011
The University of the Philippines Vargas Museum will open Topak, all in the mind on 22 February 2011, Tuesday, 4 in the afternoon at the Basement of the Vargas.
05 Oct 2010
Malaysia is committed to combating climate change. The Symposium is therefore aptly themed, “Addressing global concerns and changing societal needs”.
09 Sep 2010
Korea International Art Fair is making its inroads into world art market to make the firm position of Asian contemporary art and it will be a great motive to make the art more diverse and active.
01 Sep 2010
Korea Serious Games Festival is comprised of exhibitions, international conferences and pre-arranged business meetings between participating companies and attendees. The main objective of the event is to promote the serious games sector by showing various educational and sound games.
03 Jun 2010
It is our great pleasure to announce that Waseda University Organization for Japan-US Studies is holding the third international symposium “Japan, the United States, and China and Integration of East Asia: Conceptual Issues and Priorities”.
28 May 2010
While confusion deepens on the situation of the security treaties of Japan, the year 2010 brings the 50th year since the conclusion of the revised Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.
02 Aug 2010
In order to discuss the current status, opportunities and trends of industrialisation and employment generation in villages, and creation, innovation and management of micro-enterprises in rural areas through the application of science and technology, the NAM S&T Centre announces the organisation of an International Workshop.
08 Apr 2010
In an IDRC public lecture, renowned Indian historian and biographer Ramachandra Guha will critically explore India’s future on the world stage. Analyzing the deep fault-lines within Indian society, politics, economics, and culture, he suggests that talk of Indian superstardom is highly premature.
25 May 2010
Some 700 delegates from Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East, North America and Africa are participating in the Summit set on 25th-26th May 2010 to examine media issues and social concerns that may contribute towards industry and societal development.
19 Jan 2010
This is the third forum on climate change since 2008 organised jointly by the British High Commission and the Chevening Alumni following the annual major United Nations (UN) conference on climate change.
04 Feb 2010
When (begins) : 2010-02-04 9:00 (Ottawa) 2010-02-05 17:00 (Ottawa) - Where : Château Laurier, 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa
14 Dec 2009
The increasingly complex and interconnected world in which we live poses broad new challenges for science and society. Among the most important are global climate change, clean energy, population growth, sustainable food and water supplies, and the development of effective social organizations on both local and global scales.
09 Dec 2009
Mekong Media Forum, organised by Inter Press Service Asia-Pacific and Probe Media Foundation Inc, will be held on Dec. 9-12, 2009, in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
30 Nov 2009
In a public lecture, writer, historian, and former United Nations official Thant Myint-U will argue for a fresh approach to Burma’s problems.
24 Oct 2009
August 19, 2009 - Beijing, China - From 24-30 October 2009, the biennial Icograda World Design Congress in association with the first Beijing Design Week will be held in Beijing, China for the first time.
12 Mar 2010
The Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics welcomes papers that represent any scientific endeavor that addresses itself to “Plato’s Problem” concerning language acquisition: “How we can gain a rich linguistic system given our fragmentary and impoverished experience?”
08 Aug 2009
The exhibition aims to represent significant themes and periods in the development of sculptor Duddley Diaz as an artist and as a Filipino working within an Italian setting.
09 Dec 2009
The Mekong Media Forum will gather media professionals from the six countries in the region to discuss the state of media and creative space, learn new skills, and exchange experiences and ideas around media as an actor for social change in their societies.
26 Jun 2009
The group will talk about the comic book industry in the Philippines, share their insights and embark on the basics of creating comics.


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Giants in history

Through her iconic stories featuring fictional scenes from the history of the Philippines, language teacher and academic Genoveva Matute (3 January 1915 – 21 March 2009) helped strengthen the Filipino identity.
Hwang Hye-seong (5 July 1920 – 14 December 2006) was an expert on Korean royal court cuisine, the knowledge of which she dedicated her career to keeping alive. Formerly an assistant professor of nutritional science, Hwang met the last kitchen court lady in the Joseon Dynasty Han Hui-sun and, from her, learned about the culinary traditions of the royal court.