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05 Aug 2016
The newly launched Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI) program has gotten off to a great start. HSI brings Hokkaido University’s faculty members and more than 80 world-leading researchers from outside Japan together to provide special learning experiences to undergraduate and graduate students.
01 Aug 2016
The Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment is pleased to invite submissions for its 11th Cycle.
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01 Aug 2016
A research group in Hong Kong has described and named a new species of ant from Hong Kong, Paratopula bauhinia, or the rare "Golden Tree Ant".
28 Jul 2016
The Royal Government of Cambodia and Wildlife Conservation Society project to protect internationally important tropical forest.
Assistant Professor Cheng Chi-Ying
04 Jul 2016
Researchers from Singapore Management University are unlocking how our cultural identity shapes our lives and attitudes, even at a subconscious level.
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29 Jun 2016
Many young smokers in Malaysia start smoking when they are attending secondary school and rationalise that the benefits of smoking are greater than its risks, according to recent studies in the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH).
28 Jun 2016
The Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund (LVIF) is pleased to announce the first of two research calls in 2016.
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23 Jun 2016
Researchers are excavating human remains from caves in Palawan Island in the Philippines to learn more about the diversity of burial and other cultural practices over the past 10,000 years.
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22 Jun 2016
A 3D dome theater movie visualizing superstring theory and supervised by a Kavli IPMU researcher has received the Best Educational Production Award, it was announced at the International Planetarium Society (IPS) Fulldome Festival Brno 2016 in the Czech Republic on June 17.
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21 Jun 2016
A researcher at the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) is studying the ancient Japanese culture of “ama” – women who traditionally free-dive in the sea in search of seaweed, lobsters, snail “turbo” shells and, in the distant past, pearls – and its potential connections to Philippine maritime cultures.
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13 Jun 2016
Nagoya University-based researchers analyze ancient DNA of Neolithic domestic goats to reveal that the goats were introduced into the Southern Caucasus from the Fertile Crescent during the early sixth millennium BC, probably alongside establishment of trade links or population movement.
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09 Jun 2016
Fishing closures established in Indonesia’s shark sanctuary are good for sharks and other fish, but it also means putting restrictions on local community members who fish for a living.
Topographic map of the Structure-5 of San Andrés site
02 Jun 2016
A Nagoya University researcher and his leading international research group discovered a Great Platform built with different kinds of stone at the archeological site of San Andrés, El Salvador, and challenged the prevailing theory regarding the sociocultural development of Southeastern Maya frontier.
27 May 2016
Aid International Development Forum (AIDF) has released an infographic on healthcare in South East Asia (SEA). The infographic provides an overview of current health threats, including those related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), trends in financin¬g for health focus areas as well as gaps in development assistance.
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27 May 2016
In India, a non-profit organisation is enhancing the links between women-owned businesses and global supply chains. The aim is to eventually roll out a data platform that serves and promotes women entrepreneurs from 17 other countries.
23 May 2016
Complimentary participation to ResearchSEA readers! AIDF Asia Summit is fast approaching and you are invited to learn about current initiatives and latest trends around aid delivery and development in the South East Asia region.
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26 Apr 2016
Over the next 50 years, people living at low altitudes in developing countries, particularly those in coastal Asia, will suffer the most from extreme weather patterns, according to researchers.
25 Apr 2016
The Greater Mekong Subregion Research Network (GMS-Net), together with Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), launched a call for proposals to gather high-quality development research on better job prospects for youth, women, and low-skilled workers in the Mekong countries.
14 Apr 2016
BANGI – Prof Datuk Dr Mohamed Amin Embi, a a professor of technology-enhanced language learning at the Faculty of Education, The National University of Malaysia (UKM) has done the university proud by winning two prestigious international education awards for distance learning and open online courses.
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13 Apr 2016
Led by a feminist network based in India, researchers and advocates across South Asia are building the case for new legal and medical responses to sexual violence, while empowering victims to speak out.
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12 Apr 2016
Rohingya refugees living in a camp in Bangladesh have developed a multi-dimensional social fabric that is more complex than the common refugee narratives depicted in some reports.
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04 Apr 2016
SERDANG – Gamification is an application of game mechanics and game design techniques in learning and teaching (P&P), making the process to be more interesting, interactive and engaging.
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21 Mar 2016
The Community of Evaluators, South Asia (CoE-SA) – a professional network International Development Research Centre (IDRC), in Canada, helped to establish – played host to the capstone event of the United Nations declared “International Year of Evaluation.”
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03 Mar 2016
Mathematical algorithms may soon help to analyse, organise, understand and sift through large collections of indigenous Philippine music.
19 Feb 2016
Every February, the Government of Canada organizes International Development Week, highlighting the work and achievements of Canada’s development community.
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18 Feb 2016
- Eight-year study shows tiger population recovering in Thai sanctuary, the only location in Southeast Asia where tigers are confirmed to be increasing in number. - 90 tigers identified - Rigorous study is first ever of long-term tiger population dynamics in SE Asia
SMU Assistant Professor Eduard Jordaan
17 Feb 2016
Researcher in the Singapore Management University studies the forces and influences that sway a country’s behaviour on international platforms like the United Nations.
16 Feb 2016
Improved agricultural water management could halve the global food gap by 2050 and buffer some of the harmful climate change effects on crop yields.
01 Feb 2016
The National University of Malaysia (UKM) has launched an Islamic Knowledge Development and Expansion Research Fund to elevate the role of the UKM Islamic Centre on the international stage.


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Giants in history

Through her iconic stories featuring fictional scenes from the history of the Philippines, language teacher and academic Genoveva Matute (3 January 1915 – 21 March 2009) helped strengthen the Filipino identity.
Hwang Hye-seong (5 July 1920 – 14 December 2006) was an expert on Korean royal court cuisine, the knowledge of which she dedicated her career to keeping alive. Formerly an assistant professor of nutritional science, Hwang met the last kitchen court lady in the Joseon Dynasty Han Hui-sun and, from her, learned about the culinary traditions of the royal court.