Asia Research News 2017 brings science to your doorstep

From bacteria fighting bacteria to space cucumbers, Asia Research News 2017 showcases the brightest discoveries from Asia.

Bacteria have adapted to widely-used antibiotics and evolved into untreatable superbugs. A research team in Korea is trying to fight back bacteria with an unusual ally — bacteria, according to an article published in Asia Research News 2017.

The annual publication is a flagship product of Asia Research News: the continent’s first research news portal. The 2017 issue contains articles about a variety of fields, including technology, space, environment and medicine. It highlights topics as diverse as refugees and molecular robots.

The magazine’s articles describe how lazy ants can be good for their colonies, why massive black hole winds are preventing new stars from forming, what mathematics can tell us about malaria, and how cucumbers in space reveal a curious mechanism of plant growth on earth.

Other featured articles describe how a new biomolecule could increase our food security from a crop-eating parasite, how the naked mole rat and common plants provide clues to combating cancer, and how green chemistry could reduce toxic waste produced during the development of new drugs.

Asia Research News 2017 features studies conducted in almost 20 countries including Korea, Qatar, Japan, Thailand, Russia, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and China.

“Asia is a strong driving force in research and development worldwide. This is why Asia Research News is an indispensable source of newsworthy research – everything you need to know about Asian research at a glance,” says Dr. Valentine Ananikov of Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry.

Established in 2004, ResearchSEA, the publisher of Asia Research News, has been working with scientists on the frontlines to bring Asian discoveries to a global audience. The organization has published its annual magazine since 2009, which is distributed to journalists, researchers, businesses and policy makers worldwide.

“Scientists are working on exciting and important research to expand our knowledge and create a better future,” says Dr. Magdeline Pokar, editor in chief of Asia Research News. “We are privileged to share their discoveries with broader audiences through engaging and accessible stories.”

For further information please contact:
Magdeline Pokar
[email protected]

Published: 01 Mar 2017


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