Legalizing paid organ donation: Pros and cons

Organ donation shortages cause 17 patients in need of transplantations to die each day in the US, while thousands of black market transplants take place due to voluntary sale of donor kidneys. Selling a human organ is illegal in the US and many other countries. Doctors EA and AL Friedman make the case for legalizing such transactions.


This press release is copyrighted to the Journal Kidney International,
published in partnership with the Nature Publishing Group

Legalizing paid organ donation: Pros and cons

DOI: 10.1038/

Organ donation shortages cause 17 patients in need of transplantations to
die each day in the United States, while thousands of black market
transplants take place due to voluntary sale of donor kidneys. Selling a
human organ is illegal in the United States and many other countries, and is
widely condemned as unethical by the medical community. Doctors EA and AL
Friedman make a case for legalizing such transactions in Kidney
International, the official journal of the International Society of

As patients go without necessary transplants and black market organ sales
continue to grow, some medical professionals have come out in favor of a
legal organ market. Establishing a federal agency to oversee organ sales
will cut dialysis costs and save lives, of both patients in need of new
kidneys and those selling or receiving kidneys illegally by unregulated

Author contact
Eli A. Friedman (Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA)
Tel: +1 718 270 1584, E-mail: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>


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Published: 15 Feb 2006

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