Applied Microbiology International to host free webinar for LGBTQIA+ researchers in microbiology

Applied Microbiology International is holding a free webinar later this month aimed at connecting, inspiring, and advocating for LGBTQIA+ researchers in microbiology. This event will provide a supportive platform for microbiologists around the world to share their experiences, challenges, and successes while exploring ways to promote diversity and inclusion within the scientific community.

Applied Microbiology International is holding a free webinar later this month aimed at connecting, inspiring, and advocating for LGBTQIA+ researchers in microbiology.

The webinar, 'Connecting, Inspiring and Advocating for LGBTQIA+ Researchers in Microbiology', will be held at 15:00-16:30 UTC/GMT on November 26.

This event will provide a supportive platform for microbiologists around the world to share their experiences, challenges, and successes while exploring ways to promote diversity and inclusion within the scientific community.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Clare Taylor who is Head of Culture & Inclusion for School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University, and a Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology with research interests in intracellular bacteria, infection control, and equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Speakers include Dr Bruno Francesco de Oliveira, an Assistant Professor of Bacteriology in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology at the Fluminense Federal University (Niterói, Brazil). 

Participants will also hear from graphic harvester Drew Sinclair and Dr. Edel Pérez-López, an Associate Professor at Université Laval, specializing in plant pathology and sustainable agriculture.

Leading LGBTQIA+ microbiologists and allies will share their personal stories, professional insights and strategies for greater inclusion in research and academia.

The event will also be an opportunity to network with fellow researchers, allies, and advocates committed to promoting equality in microbiology.

This webinar aims to celebrate diversity, build connections, and spark meaningful dialogue on how to collectively work towards a more inclusive scientific community. Whether you’re an LGBTQIA+ researcher or an ally, this event offers valuable insights and inspiration for all.

Register now and be part of the conversation:


About Applied Microbiology International

  1. Applied Microbiology International (AMI) is the oldest microbiology society in the UK and with more than half of its membership outside the UK, is truly global, serving microbiologists based in universities, private industry and research institutes around the world. 
  2. AMI provides funding to encourage research and broad participation at its events and to ensure diverse voices are around the table working together to solve the sustainability development goals it has chosen to support. 
  3. AMI publishes leading industry magazine, The Microbiologist, and in partnership with Oxford University Press, publishes three internationally acclaimed journals: Sustainable Microbiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology and Letters in Applied Microbiology. It gives a voice to applied microbiologists around the world, amplifying their collective influence and informing international, evidence-based, decision making.  

Published: 13 Nov 2024

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