Ehime University
Ehime University is located in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. Matsuyama city is the largest city on the island of Shikoku.
Matsuyama is on a plain so it is very easy to get around by bicycle - transportation is free. Housing rates are one of the lowest in Japan and other everyday expenses are low.
You can walk from the main campus to the city center in less than 15 minutes. The Faculty of Agriculture is just a 15-minute bicycle ride from the main campus.
Our international students are mostly from China, South Korea and Southeast Asia. But students come from countries such as France, Turkey, Germany, Romania, Mozambique and the USA. The number of international students increased by about 100 in the past 3 years and we welcome more.
We currently have 7 faculties:
Faculty of Law and Letters
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation
Faculty of Science
School of Medicine
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture
And 6 graduate schools:
Graduate School of Agricultural Science [Master Course]
United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences [Doctoral Course]
Graduate School of Education [Master Course]
Graduate School of Science and Engineering [Master and Doctoral Courses]
Graduate School of Law and Letters [Master Course]
Graduate School of Medicine [Master and Doctoral Course]
At the graduate school level we can provide instruction in English in many fields. The Faculties of Agriculture, Science and Engineering have students doing their graduate research in English.
・Special Course for International Postgraduate Students in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim Countries
・Special Doctoral Course Program in Agricultural Sciences for International Students from Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim Countries
・Special Doctoral Program for International Students in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Related Sciences

3, Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577