ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B), popularly known locally as the Cholera Hospital, is an international health research institution located in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.
With the changing trend in the world scenario in health and population over the years, ICDDR,B has expanded its activities to address some of the most critical global health needs. Hence it is now becoming well-known as ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research (the Centre).
In collaboration with partners from academic and research institutions throughout the world, the Centre conducts research, training and extension activities as well as programme-based activities.
18 Jul 2006
07 Feb 2006
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GPO Box 128 Dhaka 1000
+880 1 881 1751-60 & +880 2 881 2353-57