Applied Microbiology International (AMI) has launched its reviewer training scheme for the journal Letters in Applied Microbiology (LAM), building upon its development opportunities for early career scientists in journal publishing.
Thirteen early career scientists have been selected to serve as Junior Reviewing Editors on the new Reviewing Board under a small team of Senior Reviewing Editors, who will act as their mentors.
Dr Marcela Hernández, Editor-in-Chief, said: “The new roles will not only offer a unique opportunity for early career researchers to be trained in peer review, but will help us address one of the key issues facing journals today: finding reviewers.”
“The scheme will allow us to train the editors of the future and improve the quality of review, and therefore the service we offer our authors.”
Training and support
The Junior Reviewing Editors will receive extensive training and support over their two-year term, with the added benefits of free membership to AMI and a small honorarium. On completion of their training, they will receive a certificate from AMI.
Letters in Applied Microbiology is a hybrid journal, publishing research and reviews in the broad field of applied microbiology.
Its vision is to be the journal that supports and develops the next generation of applied microbiologists and it supports events by and for early career scientists, such as the upcoming 3rd Pseudomonas Grassroots Meeting, Munich, Germany and MMEG: Molecular Microbial Ecology Group Meeting, London, England. If you have an event you would like us to support, please contact the publishing team [email protected]
As of January 2023 the journal is published with AMI’s new publishing partner, Oxford University Press, under the editorial leadership of Dr Marcela Hernández, Editor-in-Chief, and Dr Callum Cooper, Deputy Editor.
To find out more about the Journal visit HERE and to meet LAM’s new editorial board, visit HERE.