Lingnan University in Hong Kong confers two honorary fellowships

Lingnan University held the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2024 today (3 October). Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Council Chairman of Lingnan University, conferred honorary fellowships upon two distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding professional achievements and valuable contributions to the community and the education sector.

Lingnan University confers two honorary fellowships today. From left: Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning of Lingnan University; Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science; Honorary fellows Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che, Ms Chiang Lai-ping, Agnes; Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Council Chairman; Prof Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost and Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Scientific Computing.

Lingnan University held the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony 2024 today (3October). Mr Andrew Yao Cho-fai, Council Chairman of Lingnan University, conferred honorary fellowships upon two distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding professional achievements and valuable contributions to the community and the education sector.


This year’s recipients are Ms Chiang Lai-ping, Agnes(蔣麗萍女士)Founder and Chairman of the Love Foundation, and Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che(呂岳枝先生), Chairman of the Lingnan Education Organization (LEO).


On behalf of both honorary fellows, Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che delivered an address at the Ceremony, expressing their sincere gratitude to the University for recognising theirachievements and contributions, and saying how proud he was to be there with Ms Chiang Lai-ping, Agnes, whose charitable foundation supports millions of left-behind children in rural China. They both wish Lingnan University a prosperous evolution, and hope that Lingnan students will continue serving the community as they are educated to do.


Mr Lui believes that, with the support of the Council, Prof S. Joe Qin will lead the University to new heights, and said “When I started studying at Lingnan College in 1978, I already felt its strong spirit of teaching and learning, the close relationship between faculty members and students, and the strong belief in its motto ‘Education for Service’. Since the 1990s, I have actively served the Lingnan Community, andtoday, Lingnan University is not only a top Asian liberal arts university, but has also been among the top three for ‘Quality Education’ worldwide for four consecutive years, and second globally in 2023. Under the leadership of President S. Joe Qin, Lingnan University is embarking on a new chapter in becoming a leading research-intensiveliberal arts university in the digital era.”


Please refer to the following links for the citations and address of the honorary fellows:

Citation for Ms Chiang Lai-ping, Agnes

Citation for Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che

Address by Mr Augustine Lui Ngok-che on behalf of the honorary fellows

Published: 03 Oct 2024

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Lingnan University
8 Castle Peak Road
Tuen Mun
Hong Kong

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