Science Communication Organisations

 Learn more about Asia Research News: Newsroom, Magazine and Services.

Science communication organisations play a big role in supporting journalists, science communicators and the public. Here we list a few of them. 

Science Journalist Associations

Journalist associations foster communities for professional learning and growth. Members are provided access to knowledge resources, workshops and events, and even mentoring opportunities. 

Organisations supporting Science Journalists

These organisations offer support and training to science journalists.

If you would like to add more resources to these pages, please email us at info AT Please note that these resources are provided for information only and should not be taken as endorsement. Users are adviced to do their own diligent research before using any of these resources.


“I welcome the great idea to inform the public what is going on in the field of research and cooperation among Asian countries and between Asia and its other partners. I look forward to receiving future issues of the magazine.”
Ambassador of the Embassy of the Philippines, Germany
I am impressed by the writer's ability to grasp this difficult scientific topic.
Prof Ganesh Namasivayam, Institute For Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), Japan
By consistently providing clear and compelling press releases, Asia Research News has helped us to popularize materials science research around the world.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials Journal, Japan
It's a good sign that when I'm super busy, your newsletter still encourages me to click on a story and I find myself engrossed in that, rather than doing the work I should be doing ;-)
Associate Professor Djuke Veldhuis, Monash University
“The featured research articles are indeed cutting-edge and informative. We admire your initiative to assist research organisations in Asia in raising awareness of their research and expertise to the international media and global community.”
Department of Science and Technology, Philippines
This is very, very nice! Very professional. I don’t have emoticons in my email, but I can imagine a standing ovation.
Edgard Rodriguez, Senior Program Specialist and Lead for Knowledge for Democracy - Myanmar (K4DM) Initiative