Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (ZIOC) was established by Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on February 23rd, 1934. The list of its Directors opens up with the name of Full Academy Member, Professor A.E.Favorsky (1934-39) succeeded by Full Academy Members, Professors A.N. Nesmeyanov (1939-54), B.A. Kazansky (1954-66), N.K. Kochetkov (1966-88) and V.A. Tartakovsky (1988-2002). At present the Institute is headed by RAS Full Member, Professor Mikhail P Egorov.
Since its very start the Institute has been gathering elite of Russian chemical community, including Professors A.E. Favorsky, N.D. Zelinsky, A.A. Balandin, I.N. Nazarov, I.L. Knunyants, V.V. Korshak, L.F. Vereshchagin, M.I. Kabanchik and many other outstanding scholars. Various globally acknowledged scientific schools and areas have been developing within the Institute, Profs. V.N. Ipatiev and A.E. Chichibabin's among them.
Nikolay D. Zelinsky headed one of the Institute's departments in 1936-53 and made a great contribution to the Institute advancement. He worked in various areas of organic chemistry, including theory and methodology of organic catalysis, hydrocarbon chemistry and oil refining, chemistry of proteins. His adsorption studies led to the creation of a carbon gas-mask that saved thousands of people. His inventions and scientific heritage brought fame to the country and Institute of Organic Chemistry. In 1953, the Institute received its present name - Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry.
Currently, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry is a unique academic center employing around 500 researchers including 10 Elected Members of Russian Academy of Sciences. Main research fields are organic chemistry, catalysis and material science.

Leninsky Prospekt 47
Moscow, 119991