Social sciences Anthropology


A variety of local traditional foods displayed during a Bakaldyn (celebration) in Kharyalakh, an Evenk settlement of the Arctic region. (Photo: Varvara Parilova)
13 Dec 2024
The distribution of traditional wild food sources in the Republic of Sakha could change significantly, affecting the diets and incomes of Indigenous rural communities who depend on them.
Xochitl Édua Elías Ilosvay (researcher) and Kazuki Seike (translator) during a personal interview with a coastal fisher at a Fisheries Cooperative Association in the northern region of Shikoku Island. (Credit: Kameyuki Seike)
25 Oct 2024
A new scientific study reveals the complex relationship between the impacts of climate change and the adaptive responses of coastal fishers in the southern coasts of Japan.
04 Oct 2024
A study underscores the importance of taking into account local peoples’ everyday experiences, practices, and perceptions in establishing water quality.
women with straw hat
29 Jan 2024
Three young fellows supported by IDRC’s Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar are tackling crucial issues in women’s rights, economic empowerment, and climate change through their research and advocacy endeavours.
11 Jul 2022
Researchers from Osaka University found that when viewing photos of strangers, ratings of trustworthiness were correlated with facial similarity as calculated by an artificial neural network. However, facial similarity was only a factor in trustworthiness when the observer and stranger were the same sex.
JHSSR a peer edited through a blind review process, is aimed at those in the academic world who are dedicated to advancing the field of social science education through their research.
28 Jun 2022
I am pleased to announce that a Regular Issue, JUL 2022 of the Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research, Vol. 4 (1) Jul. 2022 has been published ahead of time on 15 Jun 2022 and is now live at the Journal’s webpage. Explore this Issue at
11 Oct 2021
A long-standing hypothesis, the dual-structure model, posits that Japanese populations derive dual ancestry from indigenous Jomon hunter-gatherer-fishers and succeeding Yayoi farmers. We conduct paleogenomic analyses of people of the Jomon, Yayoi, and Kofun periods from Japanese archaeological sites. We identify a later influx of East Asian ancestry in the Kofun period and clarify that the genome of the modern Japanese population is composed of three ancestral components, proposing a tripartite model of Japanese origins.
30 Jun 2021
Assistant Professor Mai Ishihara is the first female full-time researcher at Hokkaido University’s Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies (CAIS) and is the first female faculty member who openly reveals her Ainu ancestry. As a quarter-Ainu, Ishihara talked about how she had been subdued by her own ignorance, and later by silence, of her Ainu ancestry. She transformed her struggle and her views on the pain faced by her Ainu (indigenous people of Hokkaido) ancestors into a book based on her long-term research.
29 May 2021
A look at Japan’s mimamoru approach suggests that adults’ non-intervention in kids’ fights allows children to nurture social and interpersonal skills on their own. Is it worth a try in other countries?
09 Mar 2021
Susanne Klien is an associate professor at Hokkaido University’s Modern Japanese Studies Program (MJSP). Having explored intangible cultural heritage across Japan, Klien has been expanding her research in area studies and anthropology on rural Japan. During her previous work for a research institute in Tokyo, she observed a unique migration pattern that has been taking place in Japan: more young people are relocating from big cities to rural areas, for example to the Tohoku area, the northeastern portion of Japan’s main island of Honshu.


10 Jan 2023
ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute’s flagship conference will be held in hybrid format on 10 January 2023. After 2 years of virtual conference format, we are excited to welcome participants back to a physical event at The Shangri-La Singapore for the Regional Outlook Forum (ROF) 2023.


I'm currently an adjunct professor at the Asian Institute of Management in Manila. I crafted a course called Art-Science Thinking based on my dissertation on Culture as Transformative Innovation: Filipino Care in the Practice of Family Medicine. Since 2017, my consultancy & studio has been collaborating with the Dept. of Science & Technology in the Philippines.
I am a socio-cultural anthropologist and faculty member at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, pursuing my graduate research on Rohingya refugee policy at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA.
Anthropologist of disaster, death, grief, public health, disaster and the environment in Japan and Indonesia.
Sanen Marshall is a US Fulbright Scholar (2017) and a UK Chevening Scholar who teaches at the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

Giants in history

Chinese palaeontologist, archaeologist and anthropologist Pei Wenzhong (January 19, 1904 – September 18, 1982) is regarded as a founder of Chinese anthropology.