Biology Genetics


New IRAK4 mutations discovered
21 Dec 2020
Researchers baffled by an infant’s rare encephalitis case unusual in children found unheard-of mutations and a new way to examine the “immunity gene.”
20 Nov 2020
A research team, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has presented the whole-genome sequence and analyses of the endangered whale shark (Rhincodon typus), the largest extant fish on Earth.
20 Nov 2020
A research team, affiliated with the Korea Genomics Center (KOGIC) at UNIST has released data from the initial phase of the Korean Genome Project (Korea1K), including information describing 1,094 whole genomes, along with 79 quantitative clinical traits.
19 Nov 2020
A repetitive DNA sequence that causes health risks when it malfunctions can now be watched inside living cells using a synthetic tool
04 Nov 2020
Innovative research by scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School has shed light on the mysterious role of long non-coding RNAs in the development of pancreatic cancer and suggests potential new targets for precision cancer therapies.
06 Oct 2020
Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Nature Communications the mechanism making some lung-cancer patients resistant to the drug osimertinib. In addition, they suggest a combined drug treatment resolving osimertinib resistance in the case of cancer cells expressing low amounts of AXL, a protein belonging to the class of receptor tyrosine kinases.
03 Oct 2020
A new apparatus improves how we study the effects of aiming high-field terahertz radiation at cells, with implications for regenerative medicine.
iCeMS glioma classification
03 Jun 2020
A highly accurate machine learning tool could help doctors tailor individualized treatments for people with glioma brain tumours.
18 May 2020
Research at Kanazawa University, Theragen Etex Bio Institute and Seoul National University as reported in Nature Communications points towards pathways for the metastasis and malignant transitions that result from changes in the protein p53. The results suggest that the cooperative development of mutations in the proteins helps tumours spread and metastasis.
12 May 2020
In a recent study published in Molecular Cell, researchers at Kanazawa University report the role of cellular structures called PML bodies in regulating gene function
26 Mar 2020
In a recent study published in Autophagy, researchers at Kanazawa University show how abnormalities in a gene called TPR can lead to pediatric brain cancer
03 Mar 2020
DGIST joint research team identified the roles of 'Somatostatin,' which mediates the functions of GABAergic synaptic protein
14 Feb 2020
DGIST Professor Cheil Moon’s research team identified the molecular mechanism of innate olfactory behaviors. Clarified sensory defect accompanying neurodevelopmental disorder and cancer; will contribute to early diagnosis and improving anti-cancer drug side effects
23 Dec 2019
Professor Dennis Yuk Ming LO and Professor Rossa Wai Kwun CHIU from the Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have been named the “Top 20 Translational Researchers of 2018” by the world-renowned scientific journal Nature Biotechnology. They are the only Hong Kong scientists on the list and it is the third consecutive year for Professor Lo to receive this honour.
27 Aug 2019
A recent study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has analyzed the genetic map of Nomura’s jellyfish, scientifically known as Nemopilema nomurai, for the first time.
Altered Gene Expression May Trigger Collapse of Symbiotic Relationship
08 Jul 2019
Researchers in Japan have identified the potential genes responsible for coral bleaching caused by temperature elevation.
22 Feb 2019
Laboratory model breaks laws of heredity, opening up new research possibilities in genetics and synthetic biology.
12 Feb 2019
Study illustrates the links between brain energy metabolism and neuronal activity.
17 Oct 2018
The female of a sex-role reversed cave insect species Neotrogla has evolved a switching valve to receive more semen during mating, when a penis-like structure in the female anchors in the male “vagina.”
Dojo loach
02 Aug 2018
A DNA probing technique clarifies the mechanism behind clonal reproduction of female dojo loach fish, also providing insight into the ancestral origin of the clonal population.
Asian species (Oryza sativa, top), African species (O. glaberrima, bottom), and their hybrid (middle). The hybrid has husks but does not yield seeds.
12 Feb 2018
Scientists successfully employed mutagenesis to identify the gene that causes hybrid sterility in rice, which is a major reproductive barrier between species.
11 Jun 2017
Two proteins produced by a single gene interact to keep the genome in check
The hidden order in DNA diffusion
07 Jun 2017
The movement of DNA molecules seemingly explained by random motion conceals a more orderly march.
Image Name
28 Apr 2017
Genetic studies on Malaysia’s Orang Asli peoples could lead to tailored medical advice that is more appropriate for their unique makeup.
Augmented reality at your fingertips
25 Apr 2017
A new tool uses genetic and clinical information to find the root cause of unexplained illnesses.
Fertilization in plants.
21 Apr 2017
Discovery of parental factors that lead to asymmetric division of the zygote.
18 Apr 2017
An algorithm that prioritizes gene variants with their likelihood of involvement in human disease.


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