Social sciences


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23 Oct 2017
Malaysia is developing its first national human rights action plan (NHRAP) based on 5 pillars: Civil and Political Rights; Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Rights of Vulnerable Groups; Rights of the Indigenous; and International Obligations. The collaboration between various stakeholders is crucial for the implementation of the NHRAP.
20 Oct 2017
It will be vital to support and sustain a global culture of responsibility and integrity in research and innovation and to engage in an open dialogue with stakeholders.
02 Oct 2017
Researchers at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, investigated the perceptions of Antarctic values among Malaysian working adults, contributing to the overall strategies and policies as well as regional-based future planning especially in education and public awareness.
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28 Sep 2017
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has applied its expertise in food safety to develop the comprehensive Food Hygiene Standard Certification System (FHSCS).
22 Sep 2017
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is to draw on its multi-disciplinary strength in the Faculty of Business to serve as a leading think tank on Belt and Road related issues.
Asia Research News Logo
19 Sep 2017
Enterprises get ready to tap on the latest technologies from around the globe at TechInnovation 2017
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11 Sep 2017
The Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) invites proposals under the Collaborative Regional Research Programme (CRRP) and the capacity development programme (CAPaBLE) for funding from September 2018.
Contagious yawning more closely associated with perceptual sensitivity than empathy
05 Sep 2017
A new study out of Tohoku University suggests that contrary to common belief that the yawning contagion is associated with empathy, it is in fact, more likely that perceptual sensitivity is to blame.
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04 Sep 2017
Researchers are helping Myanmar transition to an inclusive, networked economy that gives citizens access to technology and services.
31 Aug 2017
Two student teams from South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) have been awarded 1st and 2nd place in prestigious 2017 Rotman-UNIST Trading Competition, took place at UNIST from August 10 to 11, 2017.
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29 Aug 2017
This Hiroshima University Science Communication Fellowship 2018 Program is for someone who has a degree in science communication, journalism, or science, and who is seeking his/her future career in science communication.
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09 Aug 2017
In Malaysia, research into elder abuse and neglect (EAN) has indicated a link between abuse and premature death, with pattern differences between males and females. Financial abuse is found to be more common than other subtypes (physical, psychological, sexual and neglect), and comprises the group with the largest percentage of mortality.
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19 Jul 2017
Professor Timothy W. Tong, PolyU President joined a Service-Learning trip with students to Kyrgyzstan and then signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan today.
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17 Jul 2017
KUALA LUMPUR, 12th of July 2017 – Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia’s premier Research University will be organising its inaugural “Give Back to UM Day” on 25th July 2017 at the Exhibition Hall, Institute of Research Management and Services, UM.
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13 Jul 2017
Extravert Chinese students learning English as a second language are likely to perform better in speaking and reading, but less proficient in listening than their introvert counterparts, according to a study published in Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH).
06 Jul 2017
Researchers at University of Malaya, Malaysia, are discussing the importance of building stakeholders in building maintenance management, including maintenance management team, building owners/clients, building occupants/users, and maintenance service providers.
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06 Jul 2017
Military spending might boost business confidence in conflicting countries, but may also lower macroeconomic growth. In recent decades, Asian countries have allocated a huge amount to strengthen defense capacity and enforcement. However, expansion in military expenditure is harmful for economic growth, argue researchers in Malaysia.
Asia Research News Logo
04 Jul 2017
BEIJING, July 4, 2017 – China National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) and Clarivate Analytics launched a collaborative report entitled “China’s International Scientific Research Collaboration Landscape.”
04 Jul 2017
Over four days in June, Singaporean researcher Huang Zhixiang had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of scientists from across the Commonwealth and learn about their research and countries.
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04 Jul 2017
Body donation for medical training and research is practiced around the world. Silent Mentor Programme by University of Malaya aims to cultivate a sense of compassion among medical students and junior doctors towards their patients and to treat human body with utmost respect.
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29 Jun 2017
ASEAN is a symbol of regional development in Southeast Asia region. Its Charter envisages legal and institutional frameworks, but ASEAN Member States prefer soft law as compared to the hard law. The importance of legal instruments should be recognized to establish stronger implementation, enforcement, monitoring and reviewing mechanisms.
Global Leader Lecture
28 Jun 2017
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) invited Professor Hau L. Lee, a leading scholar in global supply chain management, entrepreneurship and innovations in developing economies, and value chain strategies, to speak at the PolyU 80th Anniversary Global Leader Lecture Series on 28 June 2017.
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21 Jun 2017
People should be more sceptical about data cited in news reports, and scientists need to do a better job of communicating their research results, says Sir David Spiegelhalter, a British statistician and expert in risk communication.
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21 Jun 2017
Nominations for excellence in research in chemistry, mathematics and physics accepted until September 15, 2017
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15 Jun 2017
Speech by Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, and Chairman of the National Research Foundation, at the Opening Ceremony of the Conference on 13 June 2017 at 1700 hrs, at the Marina Bay Sands L4, Simpor Junior Ballroom, Singapore
15 Jun 2017
The Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s University Belfast will lead one of the world’s largest food safety projects across Europe and China.
02 Jun 2017
Dr. JinHyo Joseph Yun, principal researcher at DGIST and a Professor of SOItmC, explored the open relationship between technology and markets and established a crucial link between them. It takes a systematic approach to describe the relationship between technology and market, focusing on how to develop and maintain successful business models.
22 May 2017
A workshop co-organised by leading science organisations has produced a comprehensive set of recommendations for supporting refugee researchers fleeing from conflict and war.
19 May 2017
South Korea's Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) to further advance its leadership role fostering regional innovation and global collaboration.
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17 May 2017
Researchers in the USA and Japan say they may have found the cause of the first mass extinction of life.


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