Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Transgenic plants: Spread control
Transgenic rice has been genetically modified with specific herbicide intolerance, which can be used to control its spread
Kinase deactivation: Finding the off switch
Scientists in Beijing have unravelled the molecular mechanisms of the deactivation of IκB kinase, a signalling pathway that is critical in a variety of cellular processes
Diatomic solids: Distortion under pressure
Scientists have identified a molecular phase in solid iodine that has two different covalent bond lengths
Coal production: Blue energy
Water plays a key role during the production of natural gas and other hydrocarbons from coal
High-temperature superconductivity: Mysterious couplings
A new form of electron coupling in a high-temperature superconductor has been discovered
Mammalian hearing: All in a flap
A small flap in bats' ears plays a key role in assessing where sounds are coming from