Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Vascular remodelling: A counter balance
Scientists in Jinan have found positive and negative regulators of vascular remodelling
Wine maturation: Voltage to vintage
Researchers have succeeded in speeding up the wine ageing process using high-voltage a.c. electric fields
Avian influenza: Evidence of human-to-human transmission
In Nanjing, a 52-year-old father has caught the same strain of avian influenza virus that killed his 24-year-old son
Soil erosion: Pulp fixation
Effluent from paper mills can provide a solid crust on dry surfaces to prevent wind erosion of farmland
Neural differentiation: Nogo might mean yes
The protein Nogo-66 is responsible for stopping stem cells differentiating into neurons
Photonics: Seeing trembles
Photonic crystals could be used to observe the trembling motion of photons predicted by quantum mechanics