30 April 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Stem cell: A cocktail recipe
The use of six transcription factors enables a tenfold increase in the yield on induced pluripotent stem cells
Dust storms: Calming with climate
Global warming may have caused the intensity of dust storms in the Gobi Desert to decrease
Dyslexia in Chinese: English readers are different
Dyslexic readers of the English and Chinese languages have different brain abnormalities
Visual perception: Turning down the blurry
The neural circuit responsible for stabilizing a pigeon's vision during rapid eye movement has been discovered
Solar activities: Jet flare sparks twin flames
A rare observation of large-scale magnetic interaction on the Sun sheds light on how successive coronal mass ejections are formed
To read these articles, please go to Nature China from the weblink below.