10 December 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
DNA hybridization: Base by base
Spectroscopic measurements offer new insight into base-pair matching kinetics in DNA
Photonic crystals: Labelled spheres
Structured beads make great markers for cancer-detecting assays
Gene therapy: Double attack
Simultaneously targeting two genetic defects in tumours enhances the efficacy of anti-tumour therapy
Homeostasis: Energy control
Researchers in China have shed fresh light on the signalling pathways that regulate energy balance
Phase transitions: Activated by carbon dioxide
Surfactant molecules in the liquid crystal phase become micelles when carbon dioxide is introduced
Laser ablation: Carving colours
Nanostructures produced by laser ablation can dramatically enhance the light transmission of a surface