Stem cells: Skin treatment for your liver

In Nature China this week - Researchers in China have generated healthy liver cells from human skin cells, making stem cell treatment an ethically acceptable alternative to liver transplantation

Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.

Stem cells: Skin treatment for your liver
Researchers in China have generated healthy liver cells from human skin cells, making stem cell treatment an ethically acceptable alternative to liver transplantation

Climate change: The coming plague
China fears more locust outbreaks as the country's climate becomes warmer and drier

Photonics: Trapped rainbows
Researchers in Xi'an have trapped light in a tapered air gap between two pieces of left-handed material

Stellar astronomy: Pulsar model on the blink
Pulsars with rotational periods shorter than half a millisecond are more likely to be quark stars than neutron stars

Published: 30 Sep 2009

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