RIKEN Career Opportunity: Kobe - RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology Team Leader

The RIKEN CDB seeks laboratory heads to lead laboratories under the following two Programs. Applicants can choose to apply for a specific position, or allow the search committee to assign them to an appropriate position during the course of the evaluation.

Position: Project Leader and Unit Leader

Project Leaders will head labs under the Center Director’s Strategic Programs. Each of the two new Strategic Programs will bring together multiple Project Leaders and Unit Leaders engaged in intensive research in areas the CDB has identified as priorities for the next decade. These programs will also seek to create collaborative platforms with researchers inside and outside of RIKEN.

1) Quantitative Developmental Dynamics
This program will target the development of quantitative approaches to the study of development, such as through the application of live imaging and mathematical modeling.
2) Stem Cell Dynamics

This program will seek to reveal the molecular and systematic character of the epigenetic landscape in the establishment and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells, and to develop technologies for the manipulation of cell differentiation.

In addition to leading their projects, the Project Leaders are expected to contribute to the planning and administration of the Strategic Program to which their project belongs, as well as to the establishment of the associated collaborative platforms. The Unit Leader position is for scientists in the early stages of their career to conduct research in a small-scale laboratory. Highly motivated scientists eager to achieve breakthroughs in next-generation developmental biology in the areas listed are encouraged to apply.

Position: Team Leader

The CDB is looking for creative young researchers (preferably those who have obtained a PhD within the last 10 years) who aspire to break new ground within areas of animal development and regeneration, and related research areas.

Selection Process

Research proposals should be focused on the specific field of research for each program. The initial screening process will be based on the applicant’s application and 5-year research proposal. This will be followed by a final selection process, which includes an interview and seminar. Strong emphasis will be placed on the quality, feasibility and originality of the research proposal; priority will be given to proposals that take full advantage of the CDB’s facilities and resources, and advance challenging new concepts. Female and foreign scientists are strongly encouraged to apply.

The selection process will begin immediately, and will continue until suitable candidates have been selected.

Duration of contract

Project leader
In principle, the contract term shall be 10 years (with the possibility of adjustments and changes to the term following the mid-term review or other contingencies).

Team Leader, Unit Leader
In principle, the maximum term of employment is ten years. The term of the first research plan is five years, and the possibility and length of an extension for a second term (up to a maximum of five years) will be decided based on the evaluation of the research achievements made in the initial five-year term.

All laboratory heads will be subject to external reviews every five years, regarding the continuation of their individual research projects.

Research support

The Laboratory Head will oversee an independent research team composed of research scientists and technical staff. Funding necessary to accomplish their projects will be provided from internal funds. The research team size and funding amount will be determined based on the Laboratory Head’s experience, research plan, and their responsibilities in the projects.

Laboratory heads have access to CDB core facilities (mouse facility, aquarium, genomics, proteomics, bio-imaging, electron microscope, and human ES cell facilities, etc.) and other common-use equipment. All official communications within the CDB are conducted in English. There is also a help desk available for foreign scientists working at the CDB, to assist them in their transition to a new environment.
Information for applicants>>

Lab Staff


Scientists/Postdoc Technical Staffs
Cell Asymmetry (Fumio Matsuzaki)
Morphogenetic Signaling (Shigeo Hayashi)
Vertebrate Body Plan (Shinichi Aizawa)
Cell Adhesion and Tissue Patterning (Masatoshi Takeichi)
Stem Cell Biology (Shin-Ichi Nishikawa)
Organogenesis and Neurogenesis (Yoshiki Sasai) Position Available
Evolutionary Morphology (Shigeru Kuratani)
Germline Development (Akira Nakamura)
Cell Fate Decision (Hitoshi Sawa)
Vertebrate Axis Formation (Masahiko Hibi)
Early Embryogenesis (Guojun Sheng)
Cell Migration (Kiyoji Nishiwaki)
Developmental Genomics (Asako Sugimoto)
Systems Biology (Hiroki R. Ueda)
Genomic Reprogramming (Teruhiko Wakayama)
Mammalian Molecular Embryology (Anthony Perry)
Sensory Development (Raj Ladher)
Neuronal Differentiation and Regeneration (Hideki Enomoto) Position Available
Cell Lineage Modulation (Toru Kondo)
Mammalian Germ Cell Biology (Mitinori Saitou)
Neocortical Development (Carina Hanashima)

The RIKEN CDB welcomes applications for RIKEN Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher and JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers. Applications must be made after contacting the head of the laboratory you are interested in joining, and can be made regardless of whether that lab currently has positions available. Contact information for all CDB laboratory heads is available from the Research Summary pages for each lab on the CDB website. Please refer to the following links for detailed information, such as application requirements and deadlines, on these externally funded fellowships.

RIKEN Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers

The documents you submit will be handled with the utmost care in accordance with RIKEN's rules for the protection of personal data and will be used only for employment screening purposes.
This information will never be divulged, assigned, or loaned to a third party without legitimate reason.

Published: 04 Jan 2010


Contact details:

2-1, Hirosawa, Wako, 351-0198

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