23 January 2008
Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.
Plant immunity: Born to cheat
Plants have evolved disguise proteins to cheat pathogenic bacteria
Virology: The death of viral reservoirs
FOXO3a induces apoptosis in HIV-infected macrophages
Porous assemblies: One of a kind
Complexes featuring complementary coordination motifs can self-assemble into cyclic molecules that can be used to separate small alcohols of different chiralities
Hollow nanostructures: Silver lining
Scientists in Beijing have developed a simple strategy for producing a variety of hollow nanostructures made of silver
Empathy: Who cares most?
A neurological study shows that women have a greater ability to recognize the emotion of other people than men
Game theory: Avoid the crowd
Players with insider information can help increase the number of other players winning in the minority game
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