Keio University is selected four education and research proposals in three fields of the Global COE Program - largest numbers chosen among private universities

The selected programs are Education and Research Center for Stem Cell Medicine, Center for Education and Research of Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design, Raising Market Quality - Integrated Design of "Market Infrastructure" and Designing Governance for Civil Societies

Keio University is selected four education and research proposals in three fields of the Global COE Program in fiscal 2008. Seven centers, including three centers in fiscal 2007, will be adopted as Global COE Program at Keio University.

Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has established the "Global COE Program," which was launched in 2007. This program is designed to create centers of education and research excellence of the world's highest order, which will work to dramatically strengthen the university's function of educating young researchers capable of playing leading roles in global society. The program will cover all scientific fields, including interdisciplinary and combined fields and new disciplines.

In fiscal 2008, applications were called for in 'medical sciences,' 'mathematics, physics, and earth sciences,' 'mechanical, civil engineering, architectural and other fields of engineering,' 'social sciences,' and 'interdisciplinary, combined fields, new disciplines.' A total of 68 applications from 29 universities have been selected.

Field: Medical Sciences
Name of Program: Education and Research Center for Stem Cell Medicine
Name of Major: Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine; Pathology, Graduate School of Medicine; Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine; Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine
Principle Investigator: Prof. Hideyuki Okano, Major in Physiology, Chair, Graduate School of Medicine

Field: Mechanical, Civil Engineering, Architectural and Other Fields of Engineering
Name of Program: Center for Education and Research of Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design
Name of Major: Integrated Design Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Technology
Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Science and Technology
System Design and Management, Graduate School of System Design and Management
Principle Investigator: Prof. Takashi Maeno, Major in System Design and Management, Graduate School of System Design and Management

Field: Social Sciences
Name of Program: Raising Market Quality - Integrated Design of "Market Infrastructure"
Name of Major: Economics, Graduate School of Economics; Commerce, Graduate School of Business and Commerce; Management, Graduate School of Business and Commerce; Accounting, Graduate School of Business and Commerce;
Principle Investigator: Prof. Naoyuki Yoshino, Major in Economics, Graduate School of Economics

Field : Social Sciences
Name of Program : Designing Governance for Civil Societies
Name of Major : Political Science, Graduate School of Law; Civil Law, Graduate School of Law
Public Law, Graduate School of Law; Sociology, Graduate School of Human Relations; Media and Governance, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Principle Investigator : Prof. Yoshihisa Hagiwara, Major in Political Science, Graduate School of Law

Published: 19 Jun 2008


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