Flexible high-performance carbon nanotube integrated circuits

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Nagoya University in Japan and Aalto University in Finland jointly announced on February 7, 2011 that researchers of the two universities succeeded to make high-performance carbon nanotube (CNT) integrated circuits on flexible plastic substrate.

CNT thin-film transistors are expected to enable the fabrication of high-performance, flexible and transparent devices using relatively simple techniques. However, as-grown CNTs usually contain both metallic and semiconducting nanotubes, which makes it difficult to realize high performance devices.

In this work, high-performance CNT films and devices were fabricated on flexible and transparent substrates using floating-catalyst chemical vapor deposition followed by a simple gas-phase filtration and transfer process. The resulting nanotube network has a well-controlled density and a unique morphology, consisting of long (-10μm) nanotubes connected by low-resistance Y-shaped junctions. The transistors showed a mobility of 35cm2 V-1 s-1 and an on/off ratio of 6×106 simultaneously. Flexible integrated circuits, including a 21-stage ring oscillator and master-slave flip-flops were fabricated to operate as sequential logic with propagation logic delay of 12μs.

This fabrication procedure should prove to be scalable, for example, by using high-throughput printing techniques under roll-to roll process.

Details were presented in Nature Nanotechnology*.

Published: 25 Feb 2011

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Dong-Ming Sun, Marina Y. Timmermans, Ying Tian, Albert G. Nasibulin, Esko I. Kauppinen, Shigeru Kishimoto, Takashi Mizutani, and Yutaka Ohno, "Flexible high-performance carbon nanotube integrated circuits", Nature Nanotechnology (2011) DOI: doi:10.1038/nnano.2011.1, Published online 06 February 2011.