
12 Jul 2006
Illycaffè and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) have joined forces to honour four eminent scientists from the developing world.

05 Jul 2006
The H5N1 virus has entered Nigeria multiple times according to analyses of the virus, which show that the strains in different Nigerian poultry samples are not closely related. The discovery indicates that the virus has entered Nigeria - the first African country known to harbour the strain - in birds travelling from a range of independent sources.

05 Jul 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Astronomy: A sunshade for seeing planets, Neuroscience: Monkey brain 'tuned' for face recognition, Virology: Retroviral invasion of the koala genome, Microscopy: Spot the nanoflaw and Low-temperature physics: Spot the difference

03 Jul 2006
Child Survival in India, Immunological response to two hepatitis B vaccines administered in two different schedules, Zinc supplementation and serum zinc during diarrhea, Acute renal failure in neonatal sepsis and many more

03 Jul 2006
Acute effects of nitric oxide inhalation in ARDS, Adult basic life support, Diagnosing pulmonary embolism, Goodpasture's disease: A case report from South India and many more

28 Jun 2006
The Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, JIAPS, (ISSN 0971-9261) is the official organ of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons and is published quarterly. The journal publishes original articles, case reports, review articles and technical innovations.

28 Jun 2006
Neurology India (ISSN 0028-3886) is a peer reviewed, open access journal published quarterly by the Neurological Society of India.

25 Jun 2006
The Indian Journal of Palliative Care is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal published biannually.

22 Jun 2006
The fight against tuberculosis, one of the most deadly local endemic diseases, is a very revealing example of the contents, complexity and ambiguity of French health policy in Vietnam.

19 Jun 2006
The scourge of plagiarism, Orbital regional anesthesia: Complications and their prevention; Long-term anatomical and visual outcome of vitreous surgery for retinal detachment with choroidal coloboma, Asian experience with the Pintucci keratoprosthesis and many more

16 Jun 2006
Why it is important to have a journal of respiratory medicine in the Gulf region?, Asthma care: Structural foundations at primary health care at Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia; Six minute walk test in respiratory diseases: A university hospital experience and many more

13 Jun 2006
CIMS lists more than 100 irrational combinations which are not approved in any developed country but are being marketed in India.

11 Jun 2006
Irrational drug combinations: Need to sensitize undergraduates; Orphan diseases and drugs; Exploring Indian medicinal plants for antiulcer activity; Rimonabant: A new class of drug to fight obesity and many more

25 May 2006
There are many genetic tests that provide information about cancer risk — but how are ethical judgements made about who should be offered them?

24 May 2006
Two articles in the June issue of Nature Methods describe tools for the detection of large-scale structural rearrangements in individual chromosomes.

22 May 2006
JMAS is the official publication of Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons. JMAS is the first English-language journal from India dedicated to Minimal Access Surgery. The Journal publish quality articles from around the world with a strong emphasis on practices in the developing world.

22 May 2006
JMP is the official journal of Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPI). The association has been bringing out a quarterly publication since 1976. The main objective of the Journal is to serve as a vehicle of communication to highlight all aspects of the practice of medical physics.

16 May 2006
Androgenetic alopecia is an important and common cause for baldness. Despite recent advances, the drug therapy remains unsatisfactory. Surgical hair restoration is the only permanent method of treating this condition. This article discusses the latest trends in hair restoration surgery.

16 May 2006
Dyslexia is a major educational problem, but the studies on genetics of dyslexia are very limited in India. There is a great dearth of proper statistical data to show the incidence of dyslexia in Indian population. More over inheritance pattern of dyslexia is not well established in our population.

16 May 2006
Indian Journal of Human Genetics (ISSN 0971-6866), Official Journal of the Indian Society of Human Genetics,

13 May 2006
The borehole started to operate in November 2002. Results of the medical examination in Iransha Village settlement showed that human health improved considerably because of the use of fresh water.

11 May 2006
Chikungunya is a relatively rare form of viral fever caused by an alphavirus that is spread by bite of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. The precise reasons for its re-emergence in the Indian subcontinent as well as the other small countries in the southern Indian Ocean are an enigma.

10 May 2006
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature. VOL.441 NO.7090 DATED 11 MAY 2006 including Space ball survived massive impact; Noble gases enter the Earth's mantle from sea water; Turning superconductors on; Silicon feels the strain; Buoyancy vests for six-legged scuba divers

10 May 2006
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, a multidisciplinary quarterly biomedical journal, is one of the oldest medical journals from India.

10 May 2006
Robotic laparoscopic surgery is evolving to include in vivo robotic assistants (i.e. placing the robot completely within the human body). Analysis of 151 consecutive general surgical patients over three months showed that 40% used some form of complimentary or alternative medicine (CAM).

08 May 2006
Neurology India (ISSN 0028-3886) is quarterly publication of Neurological Society of India.

04 May 2006
Effect of feeding different phosphorus levels and depletion on the performance and blood biochemicals in broilers

03 May 2006
Why is it that we do not see enough early prostate cancer in our urological practice? Is it really uncommon, or is it that we are not convinced about the need for its aggressive management? This study intended to look at the opinion and patterns of practice among urologists in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, with regards to early prostate cancer.

03 May 2006
The properties of the holmium laser prevent the occurrence of these adverse events. We report the successful use of this technology in resecting the gland in patients on a permanent cardiac pacemaker implant.

29 Apr 2006
Implementing rational drug use: A success story; Exploring Indian medicinal plants for antiulcer activity; Development of new incretin drugs; Activity of some medicinal plants against certain pathogenic bacterial strains The role of pharmacologists: Present and future; Research defence society