21 Feb 2006
While some media are still portraying birds as the main vectors of the spread of avian flu, the UNEP with its associated CMS and the AEWA are launching a campaign to remind the world that migrations are essential to natural processes for the effective functioning of our ecosystems.
21 Feb 2006
By continuing to focus only on bird migrations, other mechanisms and paths for the contamination are being underestimated, and effective protection measures ignored.
20 Feb 2006
‘MNCs exploiting..; No impact of on Bihar market, Govt alerts officials; Pandemic more likely; Cairo zoo closed; 1 life claimed; Indian style of cooking kills virus; Govt prepared; France on war footing; Germany deploys army island; 130 chickens dead in Qena, Egypt; Mr. Yukol affirms Thailand is under ...
19 Feb 2006
Two scientific officer positions are available to work on a Wellcome Trust-funded 3-year research project on molecular epidemiological and population genetic studies on knowlesi malaria
17 Feb 2006
Albanian president touts measures against bird flu; CSL encouraged by small-dose vaccine test; EU launches more measures to fight bird flu; NIGER: Dead birds raise fears; Bird flu hits Slovenia, where in EU next?; Second Iraqi dies; Vietnam to restore poultry industry; US to test child vaccine; Avian influenza confirmed in swans in Hungary ...
16 Feb 2006
Bird flu 'could take 142m lives'; Russia reports new outbreak; UN official urges better strategy to combat bird flu; NIGERIA: International experts deploy to help check bird flu; Iraqi health minister declares alert in southern province; Virulent strain now in Germany; False reports lead to slaughter in Zambia; EU Confirmed Case in Hungary …
15 Feb 2006
Broken Genius: The rise and fall of William Shockley, Creator of the electronic age; Bones, Rocks & Stars: The science of when things happened; The Whole Story: Alternative medicine on trial?; Climate Change Begins at Home: Life on the two-way street of global warming; The Science of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
15 Feb 2006
Organ donation shortages cause 17 patients in need of transplantations to die each day in the US, while thousands of black market transplants take place due to voluntary sale of donor kidneys. Selling a human organ is illegal in the US and many other countries. Doctors EA and AL Friedman make the case for legalizing such transactions.
15 Feb 2006
Bird flu fears ease for sick children; FACTBOX-Bird flu cases, precautions in Europe; Morocco steps up bird flu checks as migration begins; Romania finds bird flu in fowl near Black Sea port; Italian loses job over bird flu fear, kills family; Real risk of bird flu in Europe: UN; Poultry Farmers in Nigeria Battle Bird Flu …
07 Feb 2006
The Tragedy of the Tsunami of 26th December 2004; Health and Nutrition Status of Earthquake-affected Population in Pakistan
07 Feb 2006
HIV in Bangladesh-Current Scenario; Nutrition and HIV: Science vs Hyperbole- Where Is the Intersection?; Management of Severe Malnutrition in HIV-infected Children: Recent Review of Current Evidence; Nutrition and HIV Programming Framework-Evidence and Policy Implications
07 Feb 2006
07 Feb 2006
In an article in Nature Reviews Genetics, published online this week, an expert lends a helping hand by listing the best online sites for genetic education that will help inform everyone from scientists to complete novices.
07 Feb 2006
More Budget Money Sought; A succesful fight; Flu kills fifth bird; WHO probes new Iraq cases; Nigeria 'has no bird flu'; US not ready; Bulgaria closes off lakes; Iraq finds outbreak; Russian Company Completes Vaccine Development; More vaccine for US; Avian Influenza Found in Hong Kong; New Laboratory Assay …; HHS and Institut Pasteur Partner …
06 Feb 2006
While the RRV-TV vaccine was safe and inmmunogenic within Bangladesh setting, its withdrawal by U.S. has impacted negatively the possible use of the vaccine in developing countries. Currently, only the HRV vaccine (RIX4414) is studied for safety and immunogenicity.
06 Feb 2006
Rotavirus is a leading cause of severe diarrhoea in infants. Currently, no specific therapy is available, although oral rehydration solution (ORS) has substantially reduced mortality from dehydration. Therefore, the development of cheap anti-viral products for the prevention or treatment of the disease is urgently needed.
06 Feb 2006
06 Feb 2006
Rotavirus Vaccine; Newborn Care; Coeliac Disease in Children; Obesity in the Developing World; Insights into Diarrhoea; Liver Diseases in Children; Liver Transplantation in the Developing World; Hepatitis C in Children; Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Asians; Community-based Care; Parasites, Diarrhoea, and Atopy; Health Systems for Better Childcare
05 Feb 2006
Breastfeeding practices have wide sociocultural connections and vary according to geographic regions. Published literature on breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding is not available for urban population of western Nepal.
05 Feb 2006
An estimated 42,000 children are blind in Bangladesh, and 32% of them are blind from preventable causes, such as vitamin A deficiency mostly following diarrhoea and measles.
05 Feb 2006
Simple behavioural change interventions may reduce early hospital deaths among children admitted with severe malnutrition but do not reduce case fatality.
05 Feb 2006
Increasing antibiotic resistance has emerged as a major challenge in the treatment of shigellosis as multi-drug-resistant Shigellae are being increasingly reported. 47% of patients either did not respond or responded partially to fluoroquinolones. Due to indiscriminate use they will soon be ineffective in the region for treating shigellosis.
05 Feb 2006
The study has shown that the home-made complementary feeding preparation with high energy density is more effective in improving the weight gain of infants than conventional weaning foods.
05 Feb 2006
Sessions include Diarrhoel diseases I; Micronutrients, Vitamins and Dietary Intake I; Breastfeeding and Infant Health I; Nutritional Problems, Growth, and Development I; Health Policy and Other Childhood Problems I;
05 Feb 2006
The purpose of licensing is to ensure that medicines are marketed only after having been examined for safety, efficacy, and quality. When a drug is prescribed outside these parameters, this support is lacking. Despite this, unlicensed and off label drug use in children is widespread.
03 Feb 2006
Expecting the worst may not make you feel any better when faced with a disappointment, say psychology researchers who have tested the age-old advice.
24 Jan 2006
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) in partnership with Venture Technologies Sdn Bhd (VT) and Bavarian Nordic (BN) have genetically engineered MVA (a modified vaccinia virus, known to be a safe smallpox vaccine) to contain genes from dengue virus.
23 Jan 2006
Algeria steps up measures; Free Chicken Meat Reduces Anxiety; France investigates possible human case; Bird flu hasn't slowed tourists; WHO - two more Indonesians dead; Bird flu may spread faster; Australian academic mocks 'over-reaction'; Hunting Bird Flu; Update from National Coordination Center; Firms at summit are urged to plan for the worst
20 Jan 2006
Indonesia blames bird flu for toddler's death; Sufficient anti-viral stocks by 2007; Indonesia confirms 14th death; $1.9 Billion Collected; Elderberries 'may combat bird flu'; CAST Assesses Potential For Human Pandemic; State reveals plan; Finland prepared; BioCryst life threatening influenza injection fast tracked; Situation in China
19 Jan 2006
Iraq investigating possible bird flu death; STMicro Lab-On-Chip Detects Bird Flu; Fifth child death linked to bird flu; World Leaders Pledge $1.9 Billion; Bird Flu Suspected Child Dies in Mus; China announces 6th human death; Pandemic fear boosts pledges at conference; FAO Warns Europe over spring migrations; Poultry farmers feel impact of bird flu
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