PRESS RELEASE FROM Nature Reviews Genetics
This press release is copyrighted to the journal Nature Reviews Genetics,
published in partnership with the Nature Publishing Group
Teach yourself genetics
Ever wanted to know more about the complex world of genes but were too
afraid to ask? In an article in Nature Reviews Genetics, published online
this week, an expert lends a helping hand by listing the best online sites
for genetic education that will help inform everyone from scientists to
complete novices.
Genetics and genomics issues continue to grab the headlines, but an
understanding of even the basic concepts behind these topics is poor.
Susanne Haga has now compiled a guide to online sites that specialise in
educating users about genetic concepts and techniques - from how genes cause
cancer to understanding genetic screening - and that also includes
interactive and downloadable teaching aids, exercises and lesson plans.
All the web sites are free and user friendly, provide current and regularly
updated information, and are geared towards teachers, health professionals,
students and members of the public. As Haga points out, the point of
enhancing basic education in genetics is not to create 'mini geneticists'
but to enable individuals to understand general genetic concepts and their
applications, as well as the social and ethical issues that surround them.
Teaching resources for genetics. Susanne B. Haga
Nature Reviews Genetics Feb 7
Author contact
Susanne B. Haga (Duke University, Durham, NC, USA)
Tel: +1 919 684 0325; or: +1 410 491 8578; E-mail: [email protected]
Editorial contacts
Tanita Casci (Senior Editor, Nature Reviews Genetics)
Tel: +44 207 843 3604 or +44 141 649 4205; E-mail: [email protected]
For media inquiries relating to embargo policy for the journal Nature
Reviews Genetics:
Ruth Francis (Nature London)
Tel: +44 20 7843 4562; E-mail: [email protected]
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