The quest for new materials exhibiting high-temperature superconductivity may be about to explode into life again. In Nature this week, a team of researchers in Japan demonstrate the highest temperature yet reported for a non-copper-based material.
Papayas are not just exotic fruits with nutritional and medicinal benefits, they are also model plants for studying genetics and evolution. Summaries of newsworthy papers include Beetle key to carbon switch, Test-tube recipe makes functioning heart cells, Linking events across a key climate transition and more
Serdang, Malaysia - Five out of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) six researchers, whom participated in the International Exhibition of Inventions New Techniques and Products Geneva (INTPG).
Sarawak is the world's largest exporter of sago, exporting up to 40,000 ton sago a year. Sago mills that produced sago starch through debarking and processing of sago trunk, generates effluent which is channelled into nearby rivers. A research conducted in UNIMAS currently looks at turning this potential pollutants into commerciable entities.
Keio University will be the first in Japan to provide national household panel data to the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), which will enable researchers around the world to use the data in international comparisons of income and poverty.
The Council of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) today (21 April) announced the appointment of Prof. Timothy W. Tong, currently Dean of School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at the George Washington University in the United States, as its new President with effect from 1 January 2009.
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Plant genetics: Evolution provides a cleanser for polluted soils, Greenhouse effect from tropospheric ozone and Back-to-front West Nile vaccine
TextImi is a system that helps people understand the thoughts of others from large volumes of text through a collaboration between computer analysis and human interpretation. The system can be used in for marketing surveys coordinated with network research systems, customer voice analysis, public comment analysis and more.
The genomic sequences of more than a thousand influenza virus isolates are analysed in research published online in Nature this week. The results suggest a model in which new lineages arise from the tropics and move towards more temperate regions, and the work will have implications for selection of viruses for vaccine programmes.
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Why fishing magnifies fluctuations in fish abundance, Measuring a fractional electron charge, Helping the immune system, An ancient record of methane emissions, Raising the 'anti' and Sequencing gets personal
In Nature China this week, transgenic rice has been genetically modified with specific herbicide intolerance, which can be used to control its spread and more
Rising food prices around the world have already impacted on the poorest communities. Here we highlight the many experts and research projects on food. Experts are listed in this article.
The mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus), is an important food fish in Southeast Asia. Several trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of hormones to induce spawning of mangrove red snapper.
Two works from Waseda University - "Seikilos-san to Watashi (Mr. Seikilos and Me)" and "Seishun-hakaba (Grave of Youth)" were nominated at the Film Festival. "Seikilos-san to Watashi (Mr. Seikilos and Me)"won the Award of Governor of Hokkaido
Biofuels have come under criticism lately for competing with the world food production. The Jathropha curcas is a weed that does not compete with food production yet yields fuel and heals wounds. UNIMAS is currently working on developing its potential as the alternative plant for biofuels production.
The ABU, CASBAA and UNICEF are now calling on Asia-Pacific broadcasters and producers for entries for the ABU CASBAA UNICEF Child Rights Award 2008. The Award is made each year to the best television programming on children’s rights produced in the Asia-Pacific region.
Preserving the longstanding educational philosophy of the Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy, Keio University will work together to establish a new comprehensive model of pharmacy education, research, social contribution and international cooperation for the future of Japan and the world.
On 1 April, the Graduate School of System Design and Management and Graduate School of Media Design were established as part of Keio University's 150th Anniversary Commemorative Project, aiming at fostering innovative leaders in complex fields.
Two Universiti Putra Malaysia researchers whose inventions have brought in more than RM20mil have won the Commercialisation Award at the university’s excellence awards ceremony. With their research products, rice farmers’ yields have increased from four tonnes to 10 tonnes per hectare and sold in other ASEAN countries and the Middle East.
Summaries of newsworthy papers including: Freezing the Eocene greenhouse, Frequency-tunable terahertz metamaterials, Decisions occur before awareness, ‘What’ and ‘where’ in auditory cortex, Arsenic action on leukaemia, Surgery on a microchip
In January, Nature launched a survey into readers’ use of cognition-enhancing drugs. The hotly anticipated results are now published – and there are some surprises.
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Tracing gases over the pristine Amazon forest,
Nanotechnology: Extraordinary light, New mode of pathogen attack revealed?, A new route to ferroelectricity and Heat flow: A counterintuitive phenomenon
Indo-Malayan region is one of the richest bird species areas in the world. Researchers in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak found that sea level and climate changes during the last glacial period played a key role in the diversification of birds in this region where bird species gradually diversified when sea levels were low. This continues until today.
In this week's Nature China - Active compounds found in bitter melon have potential to treat diabetes, Satellite images show that the Indian Ocean tsunami had a long-lasting impact on sediments in the Bay of Bengal, The wild population of rare orchids is increasing in China's tropical nature reserves and more
The Uganda Science Journalists Association (USJA) is organizing a science communication conference as one of its activities aimed at developing science communication in Uganda. The conference, to be held in November 2008, will bring together over 500 journalists, scientists, researchers and communication experts from different parts of the world.
University of the Philippines Jorge B. Vargas Museum & Filipiniana Research Center
09 Apr 2008
Florante at Laura, an exhibit based on the epic poem of 19th century poet Francisco Baltazar (also known as Balagtas), has been extended to April 25 at the The Edge Gallery of the University of the Philippines Jorge B. Vargas Museum.