Press releases

Content is provided by our community of institutions, partners, researchers and journalists.

Nature Publishing Group
13 Feb 2008
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Astrophysics: Progenitor of a type Ia supernova, Genomes: Last of the single cells, Mineralogy: What’s in the transition zone of Earth’s mantle, Food webs: Chaos reigns and Energy scavengers for power dressing
Swinburne University of Technology
13 Feb 2008
The article discusses issues of patents, role of WTO, issues in New Drug Approval and R&D strategies adopted by Indian pharmaceutical companies and provides the basic understanding of the key success factors vital in the pharma industry.
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
11 Feb 2008
Call for papers & participants. Authors are invited to submit their abstracts in the field of Structural Engineering, Geotechnical and Highway Engineering, Water Resources and Wastewater Engineering, Construction Engineering and Project Management before 15th February 2008.
Keio University
10 Feb 2008
Prof.Yoshiyasu Takefuji was the first person with the idea of camera-equipped cellular phones using satellites and is now taking on the challenge for new public transportation services with unique ideas including floors for passengers to generate electricity, speakers for noisy stations and GPS inside trains.
Nature Publishing Group
10 Feb 2008
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Undetectable ocean trends, Physics at the beach, DNA proves its potential, Genome-wide view of prostate cancer risk, fMRI tracks monkey ‘voice’ area, How HIV ravages gut immune cells
Keio University
10 Feb 2008
Building for Clinical Research*, a cluster-type research infrastructure, was inaugrated at Shinanomachi Campus. The facility will be used for several research clusters to promote research between different fields. It was designed to be low-impact and long-lasting, and cope with the ever-changing needs of leading-edge medical research.
08 Feb 2008
The future of computing may emerge not from electronics, but from ‘spintronics’. This new technology relies on the transport of electrons whose quantum spin states—or internal angular momentum—are all the same.
08 Feb 2008
Researchers at RIKEN’s Discovery Research Institute in Wako, in collaboration with researchers from Cornell University in the US, and Kyoto University, have refined a method that measures small electronic excitations in superconductors.
08 Feb 2008
RIKEN scientists have discovered a new state of matter with unusual magnetic properties—its constituent electrons are in a continuous state of flux, even at incredibly cold temperatures.
Nature Publishing Group
06 Feb 2008
Scientists might be better served by spending their time working with their representatives on Capitol Hill rather than trying to get candidates together for a debate.
Nature Publishing Group
06 Feb 2008
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Stem cells: Circadian rhythms, Planetary science: Evidence for water, Plants: Recovery from nitrogen, Neurodegeneration: The plaque to dementia, DNA vaccines: TBK1 is doubly important, Essay: Darwin’s Enduring Legacy, Tectonics: Slice of subduction and Holography: An added dimension
Nature Publishing Group
06 Feb 2008
In Nature China this week - The iridescent colours on beetle wings are caused by microstructures that could be replicated for camouflage technology. Other papers include Chemotherapy: Improved packaging, improved performance, Sand dunes: Light as a feather, Gene evolution: History repeats itself and Brain evolution: What makes it bigger.
NAM S&T Centre
05 Feb 2008
Natural products, including plants, animals and minerals, have been the basis of treatment of human diseases and have been exploited for human use for thousands of years. This new publication is a collection of 25 selected papers in Natural products
NAM S&T Centre
05 Feb 2008
This new publication by the NAM S&T Centre exposes the difficulties of agricultural output, faced by mostly dry and saline parts of the world due to scarcity of clean water and fertile land for crop production.
NAM S&T Centre
05 Feb 2008
The Group of 77 (G-77) have approved a multi-lateral collaborative project on ‘Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting and Ground Water Recharge in Developing Countries - HRD and Technology Transfer’ for implementation by the NAM S&T Centre
Keio University
05 Feb 2008
Interview with Masamichi Toyama, artist and Chairman of Smiles Co., Ltd, the first example of entrepreneurship within Mitsubishi. He established Soup Stock Tokyo, while on loan to KFC. Soup Stock Tokyo is a new high quality fast food culture for mainly young women in Tokyo which operates from more than 40 outlets.
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
03 Feb 2008
Malaysia currently produces 39.8 million tonnes oil equivalent (mtoe) of NG and consumes only 19.5 mtoe. Hence, there is plenty of NG available for automotive use. This CNG/DI Engine and Transmission research project aim to produce a car designed specifically for use with NG.
Nature Publishing Group
03 Feb 2008
Summaries of newsworthy papers include Going beyond p53’s role in cancer, Natural selection shapes modern human populations and Ancient lymphocytes
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
01 Feb 2008
The Indonesian Association for Media Development (Perhimpunan Pengembangan Media Nusantara-PPMN) is seeking experienced investigative journalists to conduct an investigative journalism training program on environmental issues in Jakarta from 21 - 25 April 2008.
01 Feb 2008
Researchers solve the mystery of how biological clocks are disrupted - A team led by researchers from RIKEN has revealed how daily or circadian rhythms in mammals can be reinforced, shifted or disrupted by exposure to a burst of bright light.
01 Feb 2008
Researchers show how spins freeze in a molecular magnet
01 Feb 2008
Two different chemical compounds can be used to draw perpendicular molecular lines on the surface of silicon substrates
Nature Publishing Group
01 Feb 2008
In Nature China this week - Scientists in China have developed a recombinant vaccine for SARS, Consultation rates of flu-like illness can be used as a predictor for the seasonality of influenza virus activity in Hong Kong and other tropical regions and more.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
31 Jan 2008
Singapore – Researchers and policymakers will meet on February 13-15, 2008 at the Grand Mirage Resort in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia to review the impacts of climate change in Southeast Asia and China and discuss what is being—and could be — done to respond.
Nature Publishing Group
30 Jan 2008
A peer reviewer for The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) broke confidentiality rules and leaked a damaging report about the blockbuster diabetes drug Avandia to the drug’s manufacturer weeks ahead of publication, Nature has learned. Also ... Taking stock of the Big Apple’s air and water may soon be more difficult for researchers.
Nature Publishing Group
30 Jan 2008
Summaries of newsworthy papers including: New cells’ effect on learning, Sugar rush to protect the heart, DNA blueprint for crystallization, Hurricanes: The temperature contribution, Piezoelectric pressure point, Controlling a double-edged sword, and Insight into a doublet of giant earthquakes
Nature Publishing Group
27 Jan 2008
Summaries of newsworthy papers in Nature and Nature research journals including: When microbes ruled the Earth, Making waves in the ionosphere, Amyloid inhibitors are aggregates too, An amicable separation, Mother knows best, Sleep onset and duration uncoupled
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
25 Jan 2008
The next (Economic and Environment Program for Southeast Asia) EEPSEA workshop will be held from May 4 to 7, 2008. The deadline for new proposals to be considered for the workshop is February 1, 2008.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
25 Jan 2008
“On the heels of avian influenza, the medical community has realized that, if you want to deal with emerging diseases, 75% of which come from animals, you have to deal with the animal side of the equation.”
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
25 Jan 2008
New capacity and fresh insights are among the goals of the Teasdale-Corti global health program that aims to expand the influence of research over a wide range of health issues.