Weekly News Bites: Robot-controlled insects, robots that swarm like insects, and a sponge made of squid

Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a cockroach cyborg, microrobots that assemble and disassemble to perform tasks, and a sponge made of squid bones to clean up pollution.

Cockroaches creep people out... cyborgs can also make people uncomfortable. Now Nanyang Technological University have figured out how to create a cyborg insect factory to create this creepy hybrid in less than 2 minutes, detailed in a preprint publication. However, their potential use in search-and-rescue missions could make them a little more welcome than regular cockroaches.

Tiny magnetic robots (600 microns tall) developed by Hanyang University, can swarm together to carry objects 350 times their weight, climb obstacles, and unclog tubes.  They don’t need batteries to function, as they move based on rotating magnets controlled by the researchers to form different configurations. Future applications could include clearing arteries.

A Hong Kong’s elderly in selected pilot areas will soon be able to access AI-powered dental check-ups through Hong Kong University’s Gum AI project. This tool quickly analyzes gum health and can be used on smartphones, making it more accessible, improving oral care awareness, and reducing dependence on costly dental services.

According to a study from Ritsumeikan University, Japan's seniors (people in their 60-70s) waste 3 time more food than younger households. The older population wastes about 46kg yearly per person, compared to a little over 15kg from the younger generations. Cooking in bulk and not effectively using ingredients could be the cause of the increasing waste with increasing age.   

Scientists from Wuhan University have created a biodegradable sponge that can remove up to 99.9% of microplastics from water, depending on the conditions. The sponge is made of squid bones and cotton, two readily available natural materials. This low-cost, eco-friendly solution can help tackle pollution threatening aquatic ecosystems.

Published: 20 Dec 2024


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