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Living things have some common genes that help direct and create the layout of our bodies. Scientists from the University of Hong Kong and Queen Mary University of London used genes from single-celled choanoflagellates to reprogram mouse stem cells, creating a chimeric mouse. This links nearly 1 billion years of evolution, revealing ancient roots of multicellular life and potential for regenerative medicine.
Researchers at Tokyo University of Science have developed a solar-cell device that mimics the human brain. The sensors can spot light intensity and can identify human motion with 90% accuracy. This type of AI that is used in a sensor is answering a growing demand for “edge AI”. The applications range from health monitoring to car cameras to smartwatches.
Researchers are working on innovations that can make virtual reality (VR) stimulate more senses than sight alone. This is the case at the City University of Hong Kong which developed a portable, lollipop-shaped device that stimulates taste buds in VR. Electric currents cause taste chemicals to be released open from packs embedded in the lollipops, currently delivering up to nine flavors.
Our actions of moving water around the Earth through pumping and redistribution has caused the Earth's axis to 31.5 inches in 20 years says Seoul National University. Over 2,150 gigatons of water were pumped, much of it now in oceans which accelerates sea-level rise. Researchers warn these effects could have consequences for our climate.