Prof. Ann Marie Chacko
She currently lead a national initiative, the Cancer ImmunoTherapy Imaging (CITI) Programme, which received a S$22M Singapore Health and Biomedical Sciences (HBMS) Industry Alignment Fund Pre-Positioning (IAF-PP) grant in late 2018. This initiative aims to address the urgent call for biomarker-driven approaches to monitor tumour immune responses, leveraging on the expertise of its strong multidisciplinary team across 12 research organisations in Singapore and four research themes: Immunology, Chemistry, Imaging, and Clinical Trials.
Ph.D, Pharmacology, Nuclear Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (2008)
M.Sc, Chemistry, Western University (2003)
B.Sc, Biochemistry, Bishop's University (2001)
Selected publications
Goggi JL, Hartimath SV, Tan YX, Khanapur S,Jieu B, Chin HX, Boominathan R, Cheng P, Tan JR, Yong FF, Yuen TY, Msallam R, Chacko AM, Renia L, Johannes C, Hwang YY, Robins, EG.Granzyme B PET imaging of combined chemotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in colon cancer. Mol. Imaging Biol. 2021.In Press
GoggiJL, Tan YX, Hartimath SV, Jieu B, Hwang YY, Boominathan R, Cheng P, Yuen TY, Jiang L, Chin HX, Tan JR, Larbi A, Chacko AM, Renia L, Johannes C, Robins, EG. Granzyme B PET imaging of immune checkpoint inhibitor combinations in colon cancer phenotypes. Mol. Imaging Biol. 2020; 22(5):1392-1402.
GoggiJL, Hartimath SV, Hwang YY, Tan YX, Khanapur S, Boominathan R, Jiang L, Husaini AR, Cheng P, Yong FF Tan PW, Yuen TY, Jieu B, Chacko AM, Larbi A, Renia L, Johannes C, Robins, EG. Examining Immunotherapy Response Using Multiple Radiotracers.Mol. Imaging Biol. 2020; 22(4):993-1002.
Malleret B, El Sahili A, Tay MZ, Carissimo G, Ong ASM, Novera W, Lin J, Suwanarusk R, Kosaisavee V, Chu TTT, Sinha A, Howland SW, Fan Y, Gruszczyk J, Tham WH, Colin Y, Maurer-Stroh S, Snounou G, Ng LFP, Chan JKY, Chacko AM, Lescar J, Chandramohanadas R, Nosten F, Russell B, RĂ©nia L. CD98hc (SLC3A2) is a new receptor for reticulocyte invasion by Plasmodium vivax. Nat. Microbiol. 2021. Accepted.
Kalimuddin S, Watanabe S, Xie W, Tham JY, Huizhen S, Chacko AM, Vasudevan S, Low JG.18F-Fludeoxygluose Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) as a window into human dengue pathophysiology. Antivir. Res. 2021; 185:104991.
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