Asia Smart Farming & Food Security 2023 (ASF 2023) focuses strategically on pesticide-free smart farming through knowledge-sharing and skills development for farmers and technology sharing from world-renowned agrotech companies to address the challenges that farmers face such as:
• limited access to technologies
• lack of proper training and education
• knowledge gap on high-yield seeds
• difficulty in getting financial assistance
• heavy dependence on chemical pesticides
• limited access to market
• inefficient logistic facilities for perishables and others.
The tagline for this event is ”Making Farming Attractive Again”. The event provides visitors with access to proven smart farming technologies to produce higher quality products that command better prices and higher income for farmers. These include artificial intelligence, sensors, drones, data analytics, automation and ESG-compliant consumables.
ASF 2023 provides a professional agriculture conference and exhibition platform that brings together local and international experts, innovators, policy-makers, financiers and other stakeholders in smart farming technologies. The opportunities presented during this unique conference, exhibition and B2B matching session expose farmers to sustainable business opportunities.
Participants of ASF 2023 will highlight new business ventures and share their knowledge and experience while providing hands-on opportunities to local agro-preneurs to participate in the lucrative domestic agriculture sector from upstream to downstream activities, including the food processing industries.
For more information about the Conference, visit
For more information about submission of papers, visit