Dr Halimi Mohd Saud
1. Personal Details
Address: Department of Agriculture Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D.E.
E-mail: [email protected]
Qualification: Bsc (Hons), PhD
Position: Associate Professor
Specialization: Agrobiotechnology (Microbial Technology)
2. Academic Qualifications
- BSc (Hons) – University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (1986)
- PhD – University College of Wales, Aberystwyh, UK (1990)
3. Academic and Administrative Appointment
- Associate Professor (06 April 2006 –Current)
- Lecturer (March 1990 – March 2006)
- Head, Department of Agriculture Technology (01 January 2008 – 30 September 2012)
- Deputy Dean (Development, Industry and Community Network 01 October 2012 – 30 September 2017), (Graduate Studies, Research & Internationalization 15 September 2019 - Current)
4. Research Areas
- Beneficial Microbes – Biofertilizers, Biopesticides, PGPM/PGPR
- Biological Nitrogen Fixation
- Molecular Ecology and Genetic Diversity
5. Publications and Reviewers
He has authored and co-authored five books and two conference proceedings in his speciality areas. To date, he has published >120 journal articles in both CIJ and non-CIJ publications, more than 140 refereed articles and conference proceedings. He has also been a reviewer for World Journal for Microbiology and Biotechnology, Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science and Agro-Search. He has an h-index of 11 (Mendeley Elsevier database).
6. Consultancy, Advisory Services and Patent
He has been involved in consultancy projects with FAO/IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Coordinated Research Programme, IWK (Indah water Konsortium), Diversatech Sdn Bhd., Environmental Products Sdn Bhd, Kusocom (M) Sdn Bhd and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Malaysia. He is currently a consultant to Diversatech Sdn Bhd. He is also a co-owner of a Malaysia Patent “Seed treatment reagent for direct seeding paddy rice” (Patent Grant No. MY – 133162) granted in October 2007. He has also now a patent pending on the use of Rhus coraria extract as biocontrol agent for pathogenic Pseudomonas spp and Ralstonia spp.
7. Supervision of Graduate Students and Examiner of Theses
He is currently the Chairman, Supervisory Committee for 3 PhD and 5 MSc students. Four PhD and eight MSc students have graduated under his supervision since 2000. He has been appointed as External Examiners for PhD and Masters theses for several local universities such as USM, UM, UKM and Unimas and overseas universities such as Universiti Brunei Darussalam, University of Azzad Jammu & Kashmir, Annamalai University India and University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.